Fish Out of Water(Edited)

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I crawled up the sandy beach, my soaked and my straight black hair dripping wet. I shook it out and looked around. I'd washed up on a rocky beach, no one was around thank goodness. The wet sand was cool to my skin. Both so familiar, and natural, and comforting. I think somewhat would have a heart attack if they saw me in my true form. My body quickly dried and as I did I reverted to something more... more- more normal. I sighed and looked back at my home once more, and waved to it as if waving good bye to an old friend. "I shall return to you one day" I whispered to the ocean behind me. As if in response a huge wave crashed up onto the rocky shore, the ocean's farewell to one of its children. I turned away and left...


I walked into school, and once again recieved the same cruel, hatred filled stares. I returned the glares to them and proceeded walking to class. 'Lousy b*st*rds' I thought glarring back at the people who starred at me. Even the teacher looked at me funny. I shook my head, 'it's like they think I have head-lice' I thought amused, 'At least they stay away' I thought.

"Don't you get tired of being you?" sneered a familar voice, I looked up to unfortunantely see Simon Compton and Edmund Sparrow looking at me with triumphant grins. 'Stupid idiots, they never learn a thing' I thought.

"Doesn't it suck getting the tar beaten out of ya everytime you challenge me to a fight after school?" I shot back with the same harsh, if not crueler, tone. He winced as if remembering that time he'd challenged me to a fight in front of the whole f*cking school, and ended up loosing. Still, I looked like the bad-guy, and everyone hates me; despite the fact he started the fight. 'I hate these people' I told myself. 'That's not the only reason they hate me, and I hate them' I thought grimly. The teacher walked in with a girl I'd never seen, or noticed before. 'Must be knew, her eyes aren't looking at me with upmost disgust' I decided.

"Class, this is our newest student. She's new to the district, so say hello" said the teacher, and she gave her best smile to us, but it was that cheesy, sappy grin that most teachers give.

Simon, Edmund, and most of the other boys perked up when their eyes caught sight of her. I rolled my eyes dramaticly. 'Nothing special, just another over excited, happy little, stupid bitch' I thought crossly. 

The girls mouth moved, but I didn't hear anything.

"Cute lil' girl is shy" Simon said, Edmund silently laughed. The new girl's face turned bright pink. 'Speak up, and quite holding up class' I thought about snapping, but I didn't feel like having to return the many harsh looks I'll recieve.

"Come on, a girl as hot as you shouldn't be so shy. She could be strong and have confidence" said Emdund, and in response Simon whistled shrilly. The girls face went a shade darker. I sighed, this was going to take forever it felt like. I was so close to snapping, so I bit down on my tongue to keep from saying anything.

"Hi, I'm Rain Brook. I um- love to swim" she spoke up, but was still quiet. Simon and Edmund gave a few over-enthusiastic claps. 'Morons' I thought. She took a seat, and the teacher began introducing the lame topic for todays math class. I didn't pay attention to most it though, I knew nearly all of the concepts she taught us. My grades were high enough also, so what was the point of listening to the teachers? Nothing, no point at all.

Rain Brook:

"Hey gurl, where you been?" asked Simon Compton. He gave me a grin that made the girls behind me start whispering amonst themselves. Unable to respond truthfully I shrugged. I didn't really know what to say I guess.

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