Unwanted & Un-resistible

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My mouth hung open wide from shock. The swim team had just told me of Derricks past. They knew...

"Shocking isn't it?" Gwyneth and Rina said making a face.

"He's a dirty douchebag that needs to keep his hands to himself" Anise spoke with a bitter tone. I was truly appauled, disgusted, and utterly shocked. The info they told me was just... I don't know how to describe it!

"He just needs to learn his place right?" said Doug Clemens. He tossed back his brown hair and looked expectly at Jeffery and Sean.

"Right" the two boys agreed with an absent-minded expression on their faces. Doug and Anise stepped beside me.

"Don't worry, I know what you must be going through a-" Anise started to say and put her hand on my shoulder which I swated away.

"He never touched me!" I snapped at them, and stepped backwards.

"It's okay, he can't hurt you if you tell the truth" Jeffery said.

"I'm speaking the truth" I snapped at him. Rina opened her mouth to say something, but I spoke before her, "Your disgusting. He never touched me, has never hurt me, in fact your the ones hurting him" I yelled at them. Rina bit her lip and glanced at her sister, Gwyneth who shrugged.

"He's like an cold-hearted shell now because of you guys. You abandoned him when he needed you most , you left him to die in the pool Anise. You cheated on Derrick with Mac, and probably cheated on Mac, too!" I snapped. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists tightly. I was so angry, and it sure took a lot to make me angry. 

"How c-could he be hurting? D-D-Derick ha-hates us" Jeffery stuttered.

"Yeah" Doug and Sean agreed. They both held their heads high and crossed their arms. The two of them seemed proud, as if they'd won this argument, but they'd lost by far. I turned away from them.

"Are you really that blind?" I asked them, still not facing them, "that under the cold hatred in his eyes you don't see the fear and sadness? The grief he feels?" I asked. I heard a tiny gasp, but I didn't turn to find out who. I started walking away from them.

"Where are you going?" Anise called after me.

"To find Derrick" I answered her.

"You can't leave! If you leave for him I'm kicking you off the swim team" she threatened. I laughed at her pitifull threat, "Last I checked Derrick was ellected team captain, and the next ellections aren't until one week after the swimming state finals begin" I said with a mocking tone.

"You'll regret this" I heard her muttered loudly. She spoke with a proud tone as if she ment it. I left the school, and my so called friends. No I didn't find Derrick, but I would try to find him tomorrow.

It was a Saturday and Bonnie told me most of the people from school were hanging out at the park. Of course I went there, and there were quite a few people. The student council (also the Tiger Shark Swim Team) were having a meeting, thank goodness my ex-friends from the swim team weren't there, but I had yet to find Derrick. Half of the park is densily filled with trees, more woods-like, and then the back is fenced off because it goes out into the forest-preserve. I felt around in my bag for the small, white, red-plus box; my travel first-aid. I walked into the woods and headed towards the back, the quietest place, and sure enough Derrick was there. Away from others, and out of sight. He was listening to music leaning against a tree. I sighed softly, and sat near him, but not too close. 

"Derrick?" I said. He didn't look up. I frowned, and called to him again. Still no response. I started to shake him, and he groaned. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me with a lazy expression. His smokey grey, darting eyes looked at me in a way that made me think they could see into my soul. Like I could become lost in them. I felt myself blush deeply from the thought, and it was rediculous. He shook his head and his eyes hardened, he frowned.

"What are you doing here?" he spoke with a slightly hostile tone, but I could ignore it, what I couldn't ignore was the alcoholic smell in his breath. 'Oh, Derrick...I thought sadly.

"I came to see how you were doing" I said quietly. I reached up to full his hood down. He tensed slightly, but made no move to stop me. I pulled down his hood to reveal a black eye, more cuts and bruises on his face. My eyes widened at the sight of a long cut from the bottom of his eye down his cheek. It looked fresh, and it was dirty. I knew I'd need the first aid. In a flash I had it out.

"Save it for someone else" he said with the same, careless tone. 

"But your injured, and that would will become infected if I don't treat it" I said and tried to apply an antibiotic to the wound, but he moved away as if I had head-lice. I tried to help, he moved away, and repeat.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" he asked me with a cross, bitter tone.

"Because though you don't want my help you need my help, so I shall help" I said with a stern tone.

"Fine" he groaned. I put the cream on the wound. In honest opinion it looked as if he'd been in a fight, and someone had got him with a knife. My eyes widened in memmory of Anise's words, You'll regret this. My mouth hung opened wide, I couldn't find any words to say to him. 

"What? What's your problem?" he asked.

All I could manage to say whisper, "They did this to you?" I asked. He shrugged, obviously he wasn't going to give me a dirrect answer. He looked away, and I swear I saw a few tears leak from the corners of his eyes. 'So broken' I thought.


It wasn't just Anise, Doug, Sean that did this to me. I went home last night, late, and my parents were home. The world was becoming blurry. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. 'Nows not the time for a flash back' I thought sternly. 'I really should go now' I thought. It would be bad if she were seen with me, err not that I cared. Psshh, I couldn't care less. I stood up without a word, and started to walk away.

"Wait" I heard her say with a stern voice. A small hand grabed my hand with an almost painfull grip. I whirled around to face Rain to yell at her for hurting me, it was an instinct, but I never had the chance to.

"I told you to call, or come find me if you need me" she said with a serious tone of voice. My eyes widened in shock as she pulled me into a warm, affectionate hug. Without thinking my arms had a mind of thier own, my limp arms that hung at my sides went around Rain. I hugged her back without  thinking. My own action shocked me. 'This is wrong' a small voice in my head whispered. I pulled away from her quickly. Her cheeks were a deep shade of pink.

"Don't touch me. I'm going now, I want to be alone" I snapped. Again that small voice was there, 'that's not true' did I really want to be alone? I closed my eyes, and turned away from Rain. Sitting out here alone, my cheek hurt quite a bit, but I didn't have anyone to bother me. Now I'm here by Rain and she's carring, my cheek no longer hurts, but now I- I find myself wanting to be around her. My body trembled, I wanted to be around her. It felt like something in my head had broken, like thread or twine. It felt like a shell of glass around me, protecting me, had cracked alowing light in and the world I hadn't in for so long, around me as well.

I Wanted To Be Alone, Instead I Fell For a MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now