Poor Boy

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I hadn't alked to Rain since the incident, and when I'd arrive at my house my parents again beat me for being out to late. I walked to school like I usuaualy did. A black hoodie on with the hood up. People glared at me like they usualy did, but it bothered me. I silenly laughed at myself. Had I let myself become weak? I grabbed my things and headed over to my first class. 

"Well if it isn't old Derrick" said a familiar voice, I had yet to reach the classroom. I didn't turn around to face Mac Daldor'e or Seth Mayne, but I should have.

"Lay off of Rain" Mac spat at me. 

"Don't tell me what to do" I muttered and turned to face them. Seth recoiled in fear from the intense look of hatred, but he recomposed himself. 

"You don't scare me. In fact if I were you I'd be afraid" Seth threatened. Mac took a dangerous step towards me, and cracked his knuckles.

"Anise tells me you've been stirring up trouble for her and her friends. I don't like trouble" Mac said and continued to advance towards me. 

"Your causing trouble now" I informed him. Now we'd gathered a small crowd of people. The swim team, my friends -err the people I once knew and just behind them the studen council stayed behind watching.

"Stay away from Anise, and Rain. All you are is trouble to the ladies" Mac said with an evil smirk. My heart froze in my chest. Everything was the same again. It was happening exactly like- like September 7th...

"All you do is cause trouble. Can't seem to keep your hands off, and now your screwing around with two girls"  Mac spat at me, his eyes full of rage and hatred.

"But it's not like that" I protested weakly. 

"Save it you dirty douchebag. How dare you not only touch Anise, but now you're screwing with such a friendly, inocent girl such as Rain?" Mac shouted at me. Around my stood Sally, Micky, Bonnie Jouvin, Adam, Mac and Seth. The Swim team around them, and the Tiger Sharks Team/Student Council. There were gasps of suprise all around.

"But it's not like that. I swear I havn'e touched any of them. Why would I want to?" I denied what he was saying because it wasn't true. Every word uttered was just like that day...


There was a shock to my stomach and my face. I found myself starring up at a very pissed off Mac. He knelt down, picked me up and shook me sensless. His best friend, he was beating up the guy who was supposed to be so close that they could have been brothers, me.

"How dare you touch Anise!" he shouted at me.

......... End of FlashBack...........

I found out Anise had been cheating on me that day with my best friend, but she ended up telling him I'd raped her when she'd really sold her virginity to someone else. I had yet to find out who I'd taken the blame for, and I probably never will. Anise was no good, a lousy cheater. I gritted my teeth together at the painfull memmory. Mac was bending over to pick me up, and to pound fist into me like he did, but I stood up this time.

"I didn't do it!" I yelled at him. I was no longer in control of my breathing. My breathing was more labored,and rugged. I picked him up by the front of his shirt.

"You son of a b*tch" he spat at me, knowing very well how I recieved the scars and cuts on my body. 'Shit' I thought with realization. The hood of my hoodie had fallen revealing my purplish eye. Whatever, I was going to give Mac a taste of his own medicine. I raised my fist, and threw it at him, but it never made contact. I stopped my attack before my fist could come in touch with flesh.

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