Stress, Pressure,& Attraction.

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It's been an hour since I left the school. Thank goodness they were letting us keep jackets and hoodies on. I flicked the my hood up in order to hide my neck which was swollen from Hunter's bite. I met up with Rain, Jeffery, Adam, and Seth.

"Where's Rina and Gwyneth?" Rain asked.

"Out with Anise" Jeffery answered nervously. I leaned back against the wall of the coffee shop and sighed.

"Rain, is there anything we can do about you know-who" Jeffery asked, he meant about studen council.

"They won't leave unless we win the-" she cut-herself short. My breathing hitched up a bit,

"Win what?" asked Seth.

"The state swimming finals. They claim they'll leave then" Rain told me. I closed my eyes and fought against the flashback that dared to apear in my mind.

"Are you and Derrick going to tryout for it?" asked Adam curiously. 

"I think-" she began to answer, when I snapped,

"No" and began to walk away from the group. I could feel their eyes watching me, but I refused to pay any mind to them. I still couldn't push the odd feeling within me. It was new; my stomach twisting in notes and the my face heating us. It was a new, yet familiar emotion, but I didn't like it. I kept walking even when I felt a hand on my shoulder try to stop me.

"Derrick wait, lets talk about this" I heard her say.

"I don't want to talk" I snapped at her with a harsh tone. I didn't face her, I couldn't face her, yet.... yet I- I- wanted to face her and talk! 'What is wrong with me? Am I becoming soft and weak?' I wondered.

"That's fine with me, let me talk" she said. My cold defenses failed, and I finaly faced those strong, beautifull green eyes. 


My breathing came faster when those soft, smokey grey eyes met mine. For a momment I was speechless, and I felt myself blush, and finaly I found the nerve to speak,

"The swim team needs you, the school needs you" I told him, "If we don't win they won't leave" I informed him. He scoffed,

"Do I care about the school?" he shot back. I shook my head and balled up my fists.

"You lie" I told him with a stern, serious tone.


"You lie. You care more than you want people to know. I see it in your eyes; the hurt, the feelings, the care. You care" I told him.

"You must be delarious because I don't care" he lied again. I knew he was lying because each time he lied he glanced the other direction. I took a bold step towards him, and looked him in the eyes.

"Look me in the eyes and say that" I challenged him. He was stuttered as he spoke, unable to get a full sentense out.

"Then why Derrick? Listen, I know what happened the last state swimming championship, but can't you try again?" I pleaded for him to listen to me.

"No one knows, no one understands. You don't know what it was like! My team, my friends left me to drown" he shot back at me. My eyes were begining to tear up, but I wasn't letting one tear fall, not one. My lips trembled as I asked one more time, but slightly differenly. The shock on his face was quite obvious, and he was utterly speechless.

"Then will you do it for me?" I asked. His soft smokey eyes turned hard, and cold. 

"N-n" he stuttered, "No" he blurted and then walked away once more. This time I didn't pursue, but I walked back to my friends.

"Well I guess it's just me" I said shrugging. 

"But we need two swimmers trying out" Jeffery told me. I sighed,

"We'll find someone else I'm sure" I told him. He looked quite doubtfull though. We went in for coffee and tea. Though it was nice to be with friends and drink coffee Derrick was still on my mind. Those soft, stone, smokey grey eyes of his seemed so mysterious to me. They were attractive, Derrick was.

I Wanted To Be Alone, Instead I Fell For a MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now