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I could barely feel the cold cream being aplied to my forehead or the bandaging. It felt, well it felt nice. The pain went away with the cold into more of a numbing feel. I was very confused though. Where was the laughing? Where was the extra beating and the mocking? What'd I'd truly expected wasn't there. I wasn't sure wheather or not I was glad for that. I was much to confused about all of this going on.

"There you go?" I heard a sweet voice say. I opened my eyes to see green eyes looking at me, looking at me a way I wasn't used to. My hand went up to my now well bandaged forehead. No pain now.

"It may be swollen for a while, but at least the wound will stay clean this way" Rain told me with a sweet tone of voice. I blinked, a blank look on my face. She tilted her head curiously, a mocking grin on her face. No, it wasn't a mocking grin, it wasn't dark nor cold, but warm and friendly. 'Why?' my mind questioned, but I was unable to come up with an answer. There was a long beep, it made me jump and I through on my hoodie to hide my face. All of the sudden I was helped up, it caused me to whimper quietly, subconciously. 'She's quite strong despite her small frame of body' I thought.

"I understand you don't want to talk about it, but if you need help please tell me" Rain spoke sweetly, and politely to me. 'Why?' again my mind asked me. She took my hand in hers, but I pulled away. I averted my eyes away from her. 'Why was she doing this for of all people me? Did she pity me? What was I worth? I was-' I thought and squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep, relaxed breath. 'Just don't even think, even my thoughts aren't safe' I thought.

"Come on, we have math now, and we're going to be late" Rain said. Hesitantely I followed her, but I really wanted to run out of the school, and just crawl into a log and hide where I could hide and- and di- d-d-d-di- I shook away the thought that held the "final" dark solution to my problems. My thoughts were very muddled, confusing; as if they were bouncing around in my head. I bit my tongue nervously, and ignored that thought. Before I knew it I took my seat in class and took notes in the class, Algebra 2; 'I' Level. I sat next to Rain in most of other classes, well she chose to sit next to me for some reason. 'Why? Why, Why?' was a constant thought now. Lunch passed, and for the first time I was full. Rain had bought a sandwhich for me. 'Why, why, why?' I thought. Although Rain's friends had dragged her away, and gave me harsh looks I found myself not carring. I was full, not hungry like I usualy was.

"Today you'll be working in pairs" annouced the chemistry teacher. People perked up at this announcement, but I didn't. I hated working in pairs. Most of the people I was paired up with were idiots that didn't know left from right, up from down, or what day it was.

"I'm granting you a favor. You may work with whomever you'd like to, just choose someone you won't be constantly talking to about unrelated topics" said the teacher. Involintarily my eyes flickered to Rain, 'I want to work with her' I thought, a flicker of- of hope in my heart.. 'Why, why, why' I thought for the fourth time today, or was it the fifth. Perhaps it was because she wasn't a cruel idiot like most people in this bloody school. I looked back at Rain, but she was talking to Bonnie Jouvin, and some people from the swim team. A litle voice in the back of my head whispered, 'It's better this way, aloneI thought. I nodded my head and went to work at the lab station. I put 125 millLiters (mL) into a beaker and set it on the hot surface to boil, and turned to pull out a bag of the sugar we were using. The whole point of the lab was to control sugar crystal growth. I turned around, suprised to see that... oh that pretty face with the straight blonde hair and grass-green eyes sparkling. 'What the hell? What am I thinking? Why, why, why?' I thought confusion.

"Do you mind working as lab partners?" she asked me. I was about to answer when I heared Anise Hart call to her. Rina Wasley and Gwyneth Wasley stood beside her. Both of them were giving me that look, that look of hatred in their eyes. Out of habbit I shot the same look back at them. 

I Wanted To Be Alone, Instead I Fell For a MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now