Guys Night Vs. Girls Night Gone Wrong

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I sat in the last hour of school ignoring Rain, as she was ignoring me. This was the result of yesterdays argument. Honestly I wasn't sure what it meant between us..... 'What am I thinking there's nothing between us' I thought crossly. Her ignoring me didn't bother me, and the slight aching in my chest that had started since yesterday had dulled throughout the day. I felt something, no someone nudge my shoulder.

"Dude, quite being so tense or that vein bulging in your forhead will bust" Jeffery whispered, he wore an amused grin. I childishly stuck my tongue at him Adam and Seth were struggling hard not to burst into a mad, wild, laughing fit .

"Exscuse me, just what is so funny?" demanded Bailey Mohoney. Her beady,  hawk-like eyes narrowed. A new power of those apart of student council or, and the hall monitors club could speak out against something in class. The teacher shifted from one foot to the other nervously. He couldn't do anything, he had less authority than Bailey Mohoney, she was in Studen Council, another disgusting old shark-ire.

"Nothing Bailey" Seth blurted out. Bailey's eyes narrowed more if that was even possible. 

"That's Ms. Mohoney to you Seth Mayne" she snapped. Seth let out a long relieved sigh. Class went on, and finally it ended. I sped out of the classroom. Though I hated life at home I wanted to strip off this disgusting uniform.

"Hey Derrick" I heard Jeffery behind me.

"What?" I asked, still walking towards my locker. Inside was a change of clothes.

"We over heard Rina and Gwyneth talking about having a girls night out" he said. Immediately I knew what he was plotting. Before I lost all my friends and gained a whole school of haters..... we guys had a guys night out if we knew the girls were having a night out. We'd stay up late, eat pizza, play games, prank the senior dorms, and then crash the girls night out. Yeah we were pretty immature, and we were probably just as immature if not more. Still the night was planned out.

Now we were sittting down doing just as we descibed. Eating pizza and plotting our imfamous pranks. We'd coat the senior dorm's hallway with silly strink and roll out the toilet paper. Then we'd crash the girls; Rina, Gwyneth, and Bonnie. After the pizza we were in the hallway. 

"This is so awsome" Jeffery snickered quietly as he ran down the hallway with two cans of silly string\. Sticky globs coated the walls. Next went the toilet paper. Just like old times.

Rain Brook:

I sat down doing Bonnie's toe nails, while Rina did mine. It was a pedicure-circle. We braided hair and did nails. 

"Thanks for inviting me last minute" I thanked Gwyneth. She giggled,

"The moooore girls the merrier" she laughed before hic-cupping. She took another swig of rootbeer, nothing but pure sugar. There was a hissing sound outside the door.

"There's smoke coming in the room" Bonnie complained. Rina went up to open the door only to allow a door-full of smoke into the room. 

"Whoopy!" yelled an excited voice. We rushed out of the room as there was a large 'pop' sound. Blue, candy-smelling smoke filled our room. 

"HEY!" I yelled and pointed at a group of students running away. A pair of smokey eyes met mine. The ears sticking out of the ski mask turned bright red. 'Derrick?' I wondered.

"Get 'em!" Bonnie cried and before I knew it, we were running after them. They ran outside into the field, but we were gaining on them. I noticed Rina wasn't with us, but she soon caught up with something in her hands, rope. 

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