Total Control

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I walked into the school with Rain. I felt weird, carefree, not so bitter I guess. We hadn't said much to each other, but I wanted to say something. Problem was I just didn't know how to say it.

"Hey Derrick" a familiar, friendly voice said. I turned around to see Jeffery Pierce walking quickl to catch up. 

"Hi, did we have homework last night?" I asked. He shook his head 'no'.

"Hey Rain" he waved to her. She smiled,

"Hey Jeffery what's up?"

"Nothing much, what about you two?" he asked, his eyes darted from her to me and he wiggled his eyebrowns in a suggestive mannter. Rain blushed a deep shade of pink and dramaticaly rolled her eyes, "Your so mature" she said with a sarcastic tone. My heart felt like it was frozen, and heat rushed to my face. Rain turned away to talk to Rana and Gwyneth. Meanwhile Jeffery looked at me with a knowing, smug smirk on his face.

"Shut up, don't say it" I warned him. He shook his head and broke out into laughter. I was started to get a bit mad, and something else... Sadness? No, it was.... I think embarrasment. 'To many emotions' I thought utterly confused.

"Dude you know you lo-" he started to say, but an angry shout interupted him.

"Yo, Pierce!" called Doug and Sean. 'Crap' I thought. They walked towards us looking absolutely pissed. 

"Trying to cause trouble again Mr. Willow?" asked Doug me with a threatening tone. His eyes didn't leave mine. They were hard, cold eyes that if looks could kill I most likely would fall over dead in a second or so.

"No, but it sounds like you're trying to" I shot back. His confident stance wavered, but before anyone else could notice he recomposed himself back to looking proud, powerfull, and confident. 'He's to full of himself' I summed up.

"You okay Jeffery?" asked Sean.

"I'm perfectly fine, why?" Jeffery asked Sean. Sean's eyes full of concern went to me with bitterness and hatred now. I returned the bitter look. 

"Lets go Pierce" Doub ordered, and Sean pulled Jeffery along with them. 'Never fails, those two. Trying to screw everything up' I thought as I glared at Doug Clemens and Sean Cole. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not your fault" Rain told me. I nodded my head. I knew that now, that it wasn't my fault. I couldn't help but smile, I knew that because of you Rain.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Rina giggled. Rina and Gwyneth both fell into a major laughing fit. Rain moved away from me, her face a shade darker. The bell rang meaning we had to hurry to class. There was a second beep that echoed through the halls.

"Please escuse this interuption for your Class President" spoke Holley Drapper. I gritted my teeth, Holley was one of those shark-ires.

"Good morning River Side High, this is your president Angelica Crane speaking" she announced. In the background there was a brief applause.

"Today we'll be hosting an assembly to introduce to you the new school rules that we and the school board have agreed on to better your education. Please report to the Crane Auditorium instead of your first hour class" she said. The was a low beep meaning the announcment was over.  'Great, I wonder what they have in store for us now' I thought. Rina, Gwyneth, Rain and I hurried to the Taylor Auditorium. The entire student council stood on the stage tall, and proud. I noticed Anise, Mac, Doug, and Sean stood up there was well. Jeffery, Adam, and Seth caught up to us in the crowd. We sat down towards the back. 

The principle stood up and began to speak with a dull  voice "Hello class of 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012. We'll start by giving out the rules" he finished. Even from here I could tell something was off. His eyes glowed an unnatural golden color. He said something to Angelica and Christine, and walked away.

"Listen up, I'll be listing the rules" Christine said.

1. School Uniforms must be worn 2. No chewing gum 3. Schoo starts an hour earlier at 6:30 

3. No speaking out of turn 4. A hall monitors club will be assembled to dish out punishments

5. The Studen Council is now in charge of the school 6. No texting or listening to music in class

7. Fish will now be apart of all school lunches including some aquatic plants

and 8. The winner of the state swim team race shall be the only swim team here at the school

They finished. The crowd began to whisper and chat amonst themselves.

"Silence! You have no right to speak now" Edmund shouted, it was more of an animalistic snarl though. 

"These rules are being placed in immediately. You will be out of first, second, and third hour in order to recieve your uniforms" he imformed us. For an hour and a half we were given school uniforms and sent to the locker rooms to dress. I walked out alone in my uniform. It was dull grey slacks, black shoes, and a blue-grey top with a matching jacket.

"This is rediculous" I muttered.

"Tell me about it" Adam muttered in response.

"I feel like monkey in a suit" Seth complained.

"Mr. Willow please come here" snapped Hunter Abbout. He's also a student council member, now a hall monitor.

"What?" I asked with a snappy tone.

"I believe you aren't to be speaking out of turn" he said with a smug grin on his face.

"But-" I started to protest. There was a shock to my shoulder and I hit the wall. I groaned in pain. The next thing I knew Hunter Abbout was dragging me down the hallway by my arm. There was an intense pain flaring up in my entire left arm. I stiffled a whimper and a cry for help. It wouldn't do me good anyway. My eyes widened in shock. I realized 'Why are we going down the abandoned side of the school?

Part of the school wasn't used because they school board had an extension done. Now this part wasn't used much, it was empty. I was brought into a dusty old classroom. There were large fish tanks thought. They looked bran new, and very clean.

"I'm sure you already know what I am?" Hunter asked, a devilish grin forming. I nodded fearfully. Sharp teeth and fangs were showing and my eyes didn't look away from them. Fear had me paralyzed. No wait... It was something else. I wasn't looking at his vampire-like fangs or shark-like teeth anymore. My eyes started into Hunter's eyes, his glowing blue eyes. I could see my own reflection in them. Myself, and my eyes which glowed an unnatural golden color. Hunter stepped towards me. Gills on his cheeks appeared and his skin toon on a bluish color. My mouth opened to scream, to yell, but I couldn't move! He took one clawed finger to my chin and lifted my head up. My neck was now arched and exposed. I couldn't move. I couldn't push him away nor could I try to cover up my neck. All of the sudden he moved with inhuman speed and his sharp fangs pierced the side of my neck. My breathing became harshed and more labored because I could barely breathe. I felt my blood draw to the surface as he hungrily drank it. It wasn't only disgusting, but frightening. To be so exposed, so powerless with no way to stop such a fiend from sucking up your life force was an awefull feeling. Small, quiet whimpers escaped my open mouth. The pain had woken my from my paralyzed condition and I was desperately trying to free myself. The pain was becoming greater with each pull I made, but the leach clung to me. Finally the dizzyness was to great and I collapsed in a heep of silent sobs. The pain was incredible. It made me feel like someone had stuck a burning match to my neck and left it there, burning for hours until it put itself out.

"Quite satifying blood" Hunter said licking the remains of my blood off his stained blue lips. He left laughing as if he'd won a game. Which he had, he'd won the game along with the rest of studen council. We were powerless, and they were in total control.


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