Don't Leave Me

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My eyes slowly fluttered open. I instantly remembered that their was no school. 'Great, another day my parents can beat me for not being home for about four-five days' I thought dimly. I blinked rapildy and realized that I wasn't in bed at home. Well I was in bed, but not my bed. I lay on another bed, something in my arms, and a head on my shoulder. Now I realized it. Rain lay in my arms, head on my shoulder, and small body curled up as close as possible next to me. I lay on my side facing her. I couldn't exactly stand up, or sit up with her head on my arm. I sighed, 'I was stuck here until she woke up' I thought unhappily. In the quite room my mind began to wander, 'did I really want to leave? yes. was that a lie? yes. Damn it' I thought. It would be better if I left, she hated me and I- and I hated her to. I began thinking why I hated Rain Brook. ((read to understand)

1. She's ugly, 2. She's mean 3. she's annoying when she stares at me 4. she's an awefull person

5. she doesn't care about anyone 6. she doesn't care about me, so why should I care about her

7. she isn't a lovely person 8. I can't stand being around her, she makes me want to gag

9. she's an idiot

10. I hate how I don't hate her, and that every reason I came up with to hate her is a lie.

"Damn it" I muttered quietly. I sighed, my breath rufflin her beautifull hair. Why was she so nice? Why was she such an amazing person? Why was she so lovely, so great? Why did I purely love being around her? Why?

But why then was she such an idiot. Rain Brook was the dumbest person I'd ever met because she shouldn't want to be around me. Not me. I felt confused. She was stupid to be around me in the first place, yet I wondered why she didn't care about me. 'stupid, stupid, stupid...' I began scolding myself now. Nothing made sense. Rain began to stir now, and I knew any minute she was going to wake up. I didn't want her to wake up finding herself in my arms; not when she hated me now. I began to slip my arm out from under her. 'I'll just slip away, close the door quietly, and go home to my lovely abusive parents' I thought. I couldn't go though. A hand kept me from leaving and a weak plead,

"Don't leave me" she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. Her skin was warmer, still cold thought, and paler than normal. A sickly sort of tone to her now. I could leave. The door was right there and she'd be too weak to do anything. 'Go back to the darkness. Alone, lonley, nothing but hate' I thought, 'and without friends, or Rain. I'd feel nothing. This pain would be gone, long gone. Just another distant memory. I could forget about it all if I just walked out of that glorious door to a different kind of freedom. Waiting for me' Foggy green eyes looked at me for an answer, and I made my decision, though somewhere deep down I couldn't help wonder if it was the wrong decission.

"I don't want to leave you" I whispered withought thinking about my own words. A faint smile crept onto her face.

"Thanks Derrick" she whispered. She snuggled into my arms closer, and my body tensed. A warmth filled me at her touch. It was more than just warm and fuzzy. It was different. A wholeness, like a piece of me that had been lost, but found. Again without thought or hesitation my hand cupped her cheek and my eyes starred into her emerald green eyes. 'beautifull, amazing, Rain' I thought dimly. My thoughts were lost, that was the clearest thought I had. We stayed like that for a while. Akward silence between us, and it was seriously bothering me. 'I- blub.... umm..... errrrrr....' I was brain dead, utterly dumb-struck. What do I say?


I snuggled closer to him. Warmth filled my cold body and my heart. I loved being close to him like this. 'He didn't leave me' I thought. 'he does care'

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