Wanting Loneliness, Wanting To Understand It

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Derrick Willow:

I rushed out of the locker room, the first one out for the swim team. I hated being in there with other people, I didn't like the looks of hate or hearing the harsh words. It was annoying, day after day now. Sometimes I felt like I just couldn't take it anymore. Sometimes I wanted, I craved, I needed a way out of it. Of course there are many ways out of a situation, and sometimes in my most hurtfull moments, the final solution to my problems entered my mind like a plague. I shook my head of the thoughts though. Unfortunantely I was stuck in the mess I'd put myself in. 'Weakling' I scolded myself. The room slowly filled up with other people on the team. Rina Wasely, Gwyneth Wasely, Anise Hart, Jeffery Pierce, Doug Clemens, and Sean Cole. This was the varsity group for the swimming team.. I noticed the newbie girl was here.

"Your going to love it here" Anise Hart was saying, her voice trailing off when she saw me. I sent her a mean look, which she returned before taking the other girl to sit somewhere else. Somewhere else, as in somewhere away from me. Everyone gave me my own invisable bubble of space, 1-2 ft away. 'Good, I like being alone. I just want them to stay the hell away from me' I thought crossly. It was the truth though.

"So glad to see we have another participant in the swim team. Because we have a new member we will only begin with five laps of swimming, and end the day with free style" said the coach, and kept talking,

"How do you feel about racing Rain?" coach asked the girl.

"Okay, sounds like fun" she said smiling.

The coach had us all line up. I prepared to dive in and beat every one of them. I was the fastest swimmer in the school and took fifth place in state last year. Ready.... muscels tense.... set..... visualizing victory.... go..... put it all in action. I dived in and was swimming as fast as I could. I could feel the victory with each stroke of my arms. My muscles moved perfectly and in sync, I moved perfectly through the water. 'Speed, power, control, swim!' I thought. I'm very competitive when it comes to swimming. It was something I was good at, and I loved it. I touched the end of the pool and swam back. As I pushed off the wall, and swam back I was half way there when a head bobbed up on the other side.

"Fabulous timing Ms. Brook!" coach said enthusiasticly. Rain grinned proudly, and as the others swam back they congratulated her. I glared at them from the sidelines. 'What makes her so special? I have nearly the highest grades in the school, I am... or was the fastest swimmer' I thought crossly. Everyone was swimming for fun, rather than to train. I squinted hard, something wasn't- normal. It was hard to see what may lay underwater when your above the water, but I could see something. Rain- she looked funny, like paranormal. Her legs looked more like they were together than apart, it just looked very weird. 'She's hiding something, or I'm being paranoid. Probably hiding something' I thought. An hour passed, and soon only ten minutes were left. I was still... no I am not sulking, I'm not pouting I'm just- Forget it. 'I am not sulking...' I told myself again. I sighed softly, and ducked underwater. 'I bet if I drowned people would be glad' I thought grimly. I stayed under until I thought I actually would drown. People began to climb out gradualy as their friends left as well. The others were leaving except Rain. I checked my phone, and unfortunantely I had to go home soon. I struggled to climb out, my body was still sore from falling the other day in gym. 

"Do you need help?" asked the girl. She was right next to me, her long blond hair dripping wet, and green eyes sparkling.

"No. I don't need your charity" I snapped at her. I climbed out, ignoring my bodies pain, and started to walk away. From behind I hear her climb out, but I didn't face her.

"Are you okay? You don't seem to be doing okay. Are you ill? Perhaps we should take you to the nurses office I-" she started to say, I whirled around on her.

"What do you want from me? Just leave me alone, I want to be alone" I snapped and stormed away from the beautifull girl. I frowned, 'Beautifull' I thought curiously, I shook my head to clear the though away. Pssshhh what did I care about a girls appearance? Nothing, bupkiss, absolutely nothing. I didn't care if a girl wore the skimpiest, sketchy, tiniest clothing in front of me. I wasn't a turn-on, it wasn't an excitment like it was to some, it was nothing. 'Silly things like love, affection, and care for one another was pointless. I don't love, and I will never love, and NO ONE will ever love me. It's a pointless factor' I thought grimly. I sighed softly as I started to walked away on the ultra super-duper slippery tile floors. I was definetely tired, and didn't feel like going home.

Rain Brook:

"-Just leave me alone, I want to be alone" he snapped at me. I could feel the rage behind his words, and something else. I felt sadness, this loneliness that he wanted. It was even in his cold, hard eyes, too. He turned away to leave, but I stopped him. This time it was different when he turned to face me. Instead he whirled around, and stepped back. Fear shown in his eyes, fear for himself. 'Why?' I wondered curiously. He stepped away from me, the wrong direction.

"Stay away fro- ahhhh!" he yelped. He had stepped the wrong way to close to the edge of the pool, and fell in the deep end of it. It was a 20 ft deep where he fell. He sunk like a rock towards the bottom, to what could be his death. 'Do something!' my mind yelled at me.

"Rain come on!" Anise called to me.

"But Derrick fell in, call for help!" I yelled back to her. Her expression changed to something dark, "Don't worry about him. If he drowns, he drowns. No one cares" she said crossly, without a care for Derricks life. This wasn't the Anise I knew. She was caring and kind, but now she was the opposite. 'I can't let someone die! Even if everyone seems to hate him for some reason, doesn't mean I have to hate him, too' I thought stubornly.

"Go on ahead of me" I replied. She shrugged and left. I jumped in after Derrick. 'Why?' my mind kept asking me, I didn't understand why Anise didn't care for Derricks saftey, or why Derrick was so lonely. I felt a ripple of electricity shoot through me the momment my body touched the water. My body changed; legs, arms, fingers, eyes, and even my lungs. I took a deep breath as I swam underwater. Laying at the bottom now lay Derrick Willow. His untamed brown hair flowing upwards in the water, eyes closed covering his dark, dull grey eyes. I picked him up, and swam up to the surface. After surfacing I took a deep breath of fresh air. Derrick wasn't breathing, and his eyes were still closed. 

"Come on, wake up!" I exclaimed. I took one hand, and sharpy hit the middle of his back. Derrick's eyes flew open, and his lungs heaved up a great amount of swallowed water. He sputtered up water, gasping for clean air as water in his lungs left. His heavy breathing slowly returned to normal.

"Derrick, are you okay?" I asked him. I starred at me with wide, terrified, and shocked eyes. 'Poor boy. I sense suffering' I thought sadly. I wish I could do something for him.


She saved me, she really actualy saved my life? I hadn't drowned! I was utterly, truly, purely shocked. Subconciously I nodded, my mind was blank from the lack of oxygen.

"That's good, don't want anyone dieing" she said pulling me in to a friendly hug. As soon as she released me I stood up to climb out of the water quickly, dizzy, but I wanted to get away. 'Get away!' my mind screamed at me. 'Danger' I thought. I felt like I was in danger, yet nothing dangerous was around me.

"Th-thank you" I stuttered and disappeared into the locker room. This was all to confusing. She save my life. Everyone, anyone even.... even... I gulped nervously. My stomach was twisting in knots and I was feeling dizzier by the second. Even... even my- m-my parents w-wouldn't save my miserable life.

I hurried to the bathroom and hurled. My stomach twisted in knots, and still tried to force chunks up, but my stomach was to empty for me to hurl again. As soon as I was dressed I ran out the door, and out of the school and raced home. 'Today has been both confusing and tiring' I thought, and strange, too. That girl was different, not like the arogent girls I know, and hate at this school. Rain Brook is definetely a different type of person.

I Wanted To Be Alone, Instead I Fell For a MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now