I'm Not Leaving

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The song to end this book: Without You (Usher) sung by Boyce Avenue


It was an hour and a half befor we to be swimming in the contest. Jeffery was going to take Derricks play so I wouldn't be alone. I put my clothes on over my bathing suite and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Could I do this? After h-he left me?' I wondered curiously.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine" Jeffery told me, gently putting his hand on my shoulder. I put on a faint smile to let him know I was okay, though I didn't really feel like it. It felt like so much had happened, when it wasn't a lot, but what little did happen meant a lot. I'd fallen for the school's lonliest, saddest, desolate boy, Derrick Willow. He said he loved me. And then he left me. Love, care, and affection swiftly turned into hate-full, grief-stricken, and sad feelings. 'Was he lonely without me? Or laughing it up somewhere for leading me on so long?' I wondered. I noticed Jeffery had left my side to talk to Rina and Gwynethy. They were happy, cheerfull, and well.. alive. I was just a dead-beat now. 

"Is it really better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all?" I muttered quietly. I watched my sobber image in the mirror change into a devil like version of me.

"Nope, and now you'll be lonely forever" the devil-me said grinning. I put my face in my hand, doing my best to hold the tears back. When I looked again the figure was gone. Time passed quickly, now it was time to race. 

I stood in front of the lane in the pool I was to swim down. No, I couldn't do this, but I had to. I was going to loose! 

"Hey Rain!" someone called my name. My head swiveled around to cold, smokey grey eyes full of humor and lust.

"Don't choke!" Hunter laughed. I turned away, so they wouldn't see the single tear roll down my cheek. 'It hurts! It hurts! Heart-Break.... it hurts so much!' I thought as more tears rolled down. I wipped them away, my hand over my chest.

"Get ready!" said the four judges, they all held stop-watches. Everyone lined up, and the room gradualy quieted. There was no way I could swim as fast as I could when I felt this heart-broken. I felt as if my heart was litteraly broken. I was hurting deeply, and nothing anyone did was going to fix that. Only one person could fix it, but when it happened I felt as if it were going to make things worse. The shock on peoples faces was unbelievable.

"I'm here" he, Derrick Willow, said holding up a clipboard with al the papers qualifying him for competing. My heart felt as if it had stopped. He handed it to the judges, the room still silently starring.

"Hey Rain" he said. I stared at him. Derrick who first of all was litteraly a bloody mess, but seemed okay. The noise around the room picked up and the judges began sifting through papers.

"You left me" I whispered quietly.

"What do you mean? I was never going to leave you" Derrick replied looking quite confused. I relayed the text message.

"I never got my phone back, but that lousy snake probably did" Derrick said glarring at someone behind me. Anise Hart wore a look of upmost hate and disappointment.

"You little man-whore. You were supposed to die" she hissed quietly.

"To bad bitch" Derrick shot back at her. I couldn't help but giggle sheepishly. The next thing I knew I was hugging Derrick.

"I'm so sorry" I mummbled.

"For what?" he asked, clearly confused.

"For thinking you left me" I informed him, now feeling very guilty. He looked at me with a small smile, his smokey eyes filled with warmth and care. 

"Don't be, you didn't know. How could you have? Everythings okay because I'm not leaving" Derrick told me. Someone nearby cleared their throat. We parted akwardly.

"Lets begin, be ready" said a short, blonde judge. We lined up. My legs felt like jelly and my arms like pudding. All of the sudden their was a loud buzz, and we all jumped into the icy-cold, clear water. It hit my like a bolt of lighting, the strength. I took off a bit later after Anise and Hunter shot throught the pool. I could sense they were using their own powers, so I let my toes become webbed. I don't know where Derrick was. I was focusing on swimming, and swimming alone.


My limbs hurt, my whole body hurt. I walked fine, but I felt aweful from Anise's brutal attack that nearly killed me. I swam through the water with sudden speed though. 'I'll win this, I'll fight them... for you Rain!' I thought diligently. It was neck and neck between Anise and I when suddenly I was dragged down. Bubbles of air escaped from my mouth to the surface. I quickly shut my mouth to keep from inhaling water. I turned underwater to see Angelica's smirking face. 'The darn shark-ire must have hid underwater before anyone entered the room!' I realized. I twisted and thrashed to free myself, but my attempts used up more oxygen than necessary, and my strength for nothing. Finaly I brought my leg up hard into her jaw. I swam up to the surface gasping for air, but their was no time to drink in oxygen. I swam as hard as my feeble body could. I had to catch up. Finally my hand touched a tile surface.


"Time!" two judges yelled simotaniously. Rain and I had won, finished in the same time though I beat her by .25 seconds. My time: 46.8. I gasped, that was a record. As I pulled myself out, and found Jeffery, Rina, and Gwyneth at my sides congratulating me. Next came the trophy all members of our four-man team held and pictures. 

"No!" someone yelled. Anise began to storm across the room towards us, but Christine held her back. 

"Let go" Anise snarled and knocked Christine flat on her bottom. It took the entire group of shark-ires to drag Anise out. Everything was okay now. Or so we thought. Back at the hotel room there was a note.

"We aren't leaving. Your friends, the Tiger Sharks" the note read. We'd won the swimming finals, but that didn't mean they were leaving. The sharkires were here to stay meaning there would be more hell to pay-up.

"Don't worry about that" Derrick said taking the letter and crumpling it up.

"I don't know what I'd do without you" I murmered. Derrick put his arms aroudn me,

"Same here. You know, I can't win, I can't reign" Derrick said slowly. 

"I will never win this game without you" he said. He pulled my closer and right then I felt like love could really conquer all, even sharkires.


Okay so this is the end. Thank you for staying with me. I hope you enjoyed reading.

I probably will write a sequel, not right away though.

Check out my facebook page: "Golden Ink"

Enjoy reading, writing, and life :)

-Summer512 ;)

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