Tangling Evil

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Anise Hart:

We walked into the hotel. I stretched and licked some of the remaining blood off my lips and fangs which had shrunken back I found.

"You must be carefull, we weren't trying to kill hom" Angelica snapped at me. I frowned, and waved my hand,

"Relax. He was still breathing when I left him" I told her. Her  blue eyes flowed blood red,

"He was a bloody mess. You bit him in several places!" she snapped angrily. I found it somewhat easy to resist the her authority. She was older than me, but I wondered how much stronger was she?

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again" I litteraly lied through my teeth. 'Little b*tch she is. Tired of her bossing us around' I thought bitterly. She left to go make sure the boys had settled in the room beside ours. I side and sat down on my bed. I would miss Derrick one day. He was a simple toy I could push around with ease, and his blood was delicious. Hunter wants him dead, but I'd like to keep him until.... until I accidently kill him. I laughed at this thought. Just a toy like all the other boys. Though, I still didn't know if he was alive even now. 'What a shame, too bad' I thought still laughing as though it were just a mere joke.

Unkown Point of View:

My eyes were bruised as well as my neck. My wrists and arms were smeared with blood. I lay on a rock motionless. I didn't want to move. I closed my eyes and felt myself driffting into something. Something bright was up front. I smiled a true, genuin smile. It was the light you wanted to see when you were in so much pain and suffering like I was now. I slowly began walking towards the light. It was overwhelming, all around me. It was warm, comforting. All of the sudden I felt a jolt, a memmory. Something behind me, like a rope around me preventing me from going any where. Was I ready for this? Death? I stood their motionless. 

"I know what to do" I muttered to myself, and I made my decission for living, or dieing.


My eyes looked deary and tired in the mirror. I stepped out and flopped down on the hotel bed. What was the point of this now? He'd left me alone. He needed me once, and now I needed him once, and he'd left me. And for what; because I didn't "pleasure" him like Anise did other guys? I felt the tears return.

"It's okay, you'll be fine" Jeffery was no beside me patting my back. He was a best friend, and almost like a brother.

"But what if its not" I complained, tears still roling.

"That's the talk that will make it not allright. Cheer up, you still have me" he said grinning now. I punched his shoulder,

"You always were a bit arogant" I joked. He rolled his eyes dramaticaly in response before heading to the minifridge, and tossed me a rootbeer. Cold, sweet, sticky root beer was good and distracting. I was stressed out, and at the momment I truly believe that sweets would wash it away. The swimming match was tomorrow. I had my friends at my side... and my loved one gone. I sighed and pushed the last thought away. If I thought about it more I'd end up bawling my eyes out and probably flooding the room with tears. 

For the rest of the day we played card, board, and other fun games. TV, facebooking a bit... Nothing was really happening.... When I finaly lay in bed I thought about Derrick. That sadness had turned to a hatred over the day. I don't think I ever hated anyone. I was angry, sad, happy, but never hatefull. This was hate, what I felt for Derrick because he left me. 'I hate how much I loved you' I thought before drifting into sleep.

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