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"Okay y/n," says a male voice from the audition room, "you're up." Starkid was holding auditions to be apart of the team. At this point I was shaking. This is my dream. Not just because I'm a big fan of the company but because I enjoy musical theater. Just singing and dancing for a live audience.

"Hello, I'm y/n." I say with a smile on my face.

"Okay great. Well we're ready whenever you are."

I think they can tell that I'm nervous. I sing my heart out anyways.

Surprise, surprise! I didn't make it. They sent the list out to everyone who auditioned and it said who made it. I mean a girl that has a name pronounced almost like "meatball" made it. It's their loss anyway.

After I got the news I didn't make it I had to call my mom and tell her I'm going back home in Ohio at the end of the month. Today's the third, my least favorite day.

I grab my bike and ride it around. I needed something to clear my head. So I decided to go to the store and grab ice cream.

On my way home I hit a guy with my bike. "Not cool dude. You dented my bike." I say jokingly.

"And you dented my body." I jump off my bike and help him up. "My name's Robert." We shake hands.

"Mine's y/n." I smile. "Well I have to go. I have ice cream in my basket that I don't want to melt."

"Oh, well I have ice cream at my house I should probably eat." He smiles right back at me. "What's the special occasion?"

"Oh you know just go home and cry." I start to walk away with my bike but he runs up to me and starts walking with me.

"Well mine's more of a victory ice cream. I got great news today." Robert said as his eyes sparkle in the sun.

"What's the news?" I reply off his statement.

He smiles. Looks like he wasn't expecting me to answer. "Well I got notified I was going to be apart of a team. You probably haven't heard of them, but it's Starkid."

I stop walking. He then gives me a confused look. "What?"

I start walking just a little faster. "Nothing. You know it's kind of weird that you're following me."

He jumps in front of me. "Please tell me what I did wrong? I know it was a little weird but I'm new here and I wanted to make new friends."

I let out a sigh. "You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry for getting mad. This ice cream is because I didn't make it into Starkid. Also if you want a friend that lives here in California you should probably look for someone else. I'm leaving at the end of this month."

"Online friends are a thing. We can still be friends. And I'm sorry I brought it up. I didn't realise."

I see his phone in his hand. I grab it. "What are you doing?" He asks. I didn't reply.

I added my number into his contacts and give him his phone back. "Well I need to go home and cry now but just text me whenever you want. Make sure to send me "Robert" first so I know it's you."

I hop on my bike and ride back to my apartment. I run inside with my ice cream and grab a spoon and jump into my bed and immediately start crying.

I wake up with a half eaten, melted ice cream tub. I wipe my face and get up to see two messages on my phone. I open it.

Unknown: Robert 😊

I then add his number to my contacts and go back to read the second message.

Robert: Hope you're having a good cry. We should hang sometime though.

Me: I had such a great cry that I passed out after. And ya, we should hang. Maybe go out and have ice cream together.

I get up and start cleaning my room but just a minute after getting up I get a reply.

Robert: Great idea !! What day works best for you?

I was joking but this could be good for me. Actually talking to other humans instead of sleeping and crying all day.

Me: Any day really, as long as it's this month.

Robert: How about tomorrow at 2? I can come pick you up or you know you can ride your bike here and run into more people.

I smile to myself.

Me: Sounds good. Not the running into people but the ice cream and you picking me up.

I sent him my address and he says he can't wait. I don't reply. I, then, continue to clean.

I go back and read the list of everyone who got accepted into Starkid. I search each person on literally everything and find out information about them. I stopped once I got to Robert. Robert was right after meatball girl.

I texted Robert.

Me: You know anything about meatball girl?

He replied almost immediately.

Robert: I'm pretty sure she quit right after realizing she made it. I think she wasn't expecting to make it. They're looking for someone new right now actually.

Me: Oh that's cool. Thanks.

Robert: Anytime y/n !!

I feel bad for meatball girl now. I wonder what's going through her head now. Probably "was this the right choice" and "why'd I even audition".

A few moments later I get a call from an unknown number. I typically don't answer them but I decided to anyway. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hey. Is this y/n?" They guy on the other end asks.

"Yes it is."

"Well we'd like to inform you that you made it into our team, Starkid. We are glad to have you and we'll send you the needed information." He then hung up. I jump up and down and shout with glee. I can't believe it! I know I wasn't a first choice or anything but I'm still really glad I made it. I contemplate on whether or not to call Robert and tell him. I decide against it because I was getting tired. I set my alarm to eight and went to sleep.

Today's the third, my new favorite day.

Robert Manion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now