Tennessee Here I Come

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Before I left for Tennessee I sobbed and gave Robert a huge hug. I know that I have to decide if I want Robert or PenVan more. I just don't see why I can't have both.

~In Tennessee~

I see Eddie. I go up to him and he gives me a hug. "I'm glad you've decided to come here and to at least give us a shot."

I smile and Eddie grabs my bags. "Oh you don't have to. I can take them."

I go to get them back. "No it's fine. I'm escorting you." I feel awkward. I'm in a new environment and with people that I don't know very well. All I do is follow Eddie into a limousine.

We finally come to a stop. "Okay y/n, this is where you'll be staying for however long you like."

He opens the door for me. "I know how to open a car door, but thanks."

He doesn't respond but we go into my maybe-forever-house. "Take a look around y/n. Put your bag wherever too but just know we need to get to the studio and show you around there too. Also take note that you would share this place with two other people. One being me and the other is the manager."

We leave after a bit. I wasn't too interested.

We finally get to the studio though. It looks very nice. Eddie opens the car door again. I roll my eyes. This time he grabs my hand to "help" me out. I'm already sick of this and want to go back to Robert.

"So having any thoughts about staying here or not yet?" Eddie questions.

"I just don't see this as being something I want to stay with. I looks nice and everything but I already miss my friends."

"Well you'll fit in good here, I can promise you that." He winks at me. I throw up a little in my mouth. Yes he's cute but he isn't Robert. I do smile at him though. Don't want to already be hated.

Eddie then gives me the tour. Everything looks nice but it doesn't feel right. I was already just getting used to Starkid and now I have to try to get used to this, especially if I decide to stay.

~At My Maybe Home~

I go into the bathroom and get changed and brush my teeth. I also grab my phone.

Me: Hey Rob !!

Robert almost immediately responds.

Robert: hey, you leaning towards anything yet?

Me: Not entirely. I do want to go back to you guys. I already miss it there.

I also text Nick.

Me: How's everything over there?

Nick: it's going pretty well.

I rinse off my toothbrush and go into my room and continue texting them.

Me to Nick: that's good.

Robert: Oh that's okay, you still have time don't rush 😊💕

Nick: Anything else? I'm not trying to be rude but I am slightly tired and might pass out any second.

Me to Nick: No, nothing else. Good night Nick

Nick: Night

Now I'm only texting Robert.

Me: thank you. I appreciate this.

Robert: Just know I love you. I do have to go though. Night.

Me: Night.

I then, lay down and go to sleep.

~At The Studio The Next Day~

"So, you guys have scripts yet?" I ask.

"We have to wait for the manager."

I nod. "Who is the manager anyway?"

"Meathy Blonde." A girl says. She walks over to us. "I'm Meathy Blonde."


"I know that you probably have heard of me. I was planning on leaving this company and hoping Starkid but I decided this is so much better than working for someone."

I smile at her. I have no idea what to say so I pull my phone and have it under the table. I text the Starkid group chat.


We all get our scripts. I'm the main character. I'm always happy about that but I don't know if they should give me such a big role immediately especially since I might not stay. We do a read through today and plan on doing choreography tomorrow. So after today I update the group chat about my role and that I still have no idea what I want to do. I do tell them I'm going to bed and we all say our good nights. I then fall asleep.

Robert Manion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now