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Waking up next to Robert is my favorite thing now. It's just amazing how much one person can change you. I really do love him though. I won't be the first to say it though. I'm too awkward for that. I would probably make a honk noise if I said it first.

I get up and get into the shower. I didn't eat first because I have no food here cause before I left I asked my neighbors to come over and take the food and drinks and do whatever with it.

After the shower I go back into my room and see that Robert still sleeping. I decide not to wake him up but I unpack my things. Right now I'm wearing Robert's clothes that I never gave him back. They are comfy but also a little big. In other words, perfect for me.

We have a few hours before we have to go to our last rehearsal. They didn't give us a lot of days to practice but I think we'll pull it off.

~One Hour Until Rehearsal~

I finally wake Robert up. I do that by slightly jumping on the bed and lightly pushing him. It works though because he's up. First thing he does is rub his eyes and give me a kiss. I smiled. "You sleep a lot."

He smiles back at me. "Last night was amazing." I, once again, smile. He makes me so happy. I honestly deserve this. To be happy with the person I love.

"Well you should get ready. We have to leave in forty-five minutes." I grab his arm and drag him out of bed.

"Why fourty-five?" He says after checking the time.

"Because I'm hungry and we have no food here."

~After Rehearsal~

Nick announces, "We have a live stream later so be at my place at six. I'll send the address in the group chat. Y/n, make sure to add Robert to it too." Nick winks at me. I hate him but he's also such a great person. "I think today was okay but we can always do better. Okay guys, have a good day. Remember, six: no later.

~At Nick's~

Nick starts off all by himself. "Hello guys. Tomorrow is the day our new musical comes out!" He throws his hands in the air. "We can't wait to see you all. We will have questions after the show, free: of course. But I'd like to start of the stream by introducing on my favorite people. She's amazing at everything." He whispers, "especially math. She's also new to you guys. Trust me guys, you'll love her." Nick looks over at me. I smile. He's literally the sweetest ever, I swear. "Okay y/n, come on in." I walk into view of the audience. "Oh, please share to them what you told us the first day of rehearsal."

I'm think back but I remember the exact words. So I share it. "Hello, my name's y/n. My odd talent would be that I can sing a song backwards as long as I know all the lyrics from singing it regularly."

Nick then has everyone else come in and once Robert come in he sits right next to me and has his hand on my back. It's to where the audience would have no clue but we both know.

~Back To My Apartment~

Robert walks in with me. "I'm glad you're here y/n." He messes with my hair. I then put my head to his.

"Glad to be here."

"Well I can't stay tonight so I better go. I have my dogs I have to take care of back at my place. I'll be here tomorrow at nine so we can leave and get ready. Tomorrow is a very stressful day." He kisses me on my cheek and leaves. I was going to ask if I could go to his place since I haven't been there but it's alright. That'll be for another time I guess.

Robert Manion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now