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Rehearsal went well. Though singing and dancing with Robert made me like him even more. This sucks. Why do I have to like him? Like he's nice and funny one second and then just kinda rude the next. I guess I don't blame him though because I know I haven't been exactly friendly either.

After rehearsal Robert took me home. Except I said good bye to him and he got out of his car and starting walking with me. Is he planning on staying over again? I don't say anything and just walk into my apartment and let him come in.

"Ah, so no fight today? It's been hours and we typically would have a one sided fight around this time." Why does he have to ruin this right now?

"Please just shut up. I'm getting in the shower and watching Netflix in my room afterwards. I'm being nice and inviting you to watch with me."

"Sounds like a plan. We can practice tomorrow with everything else because we have optional rehearsal."

"Well how about we don't go but practice either here or at your place." Robert didn't respond to that. I left it be and just grabbed a yellow tank top and grey shorts and hopped in the shower.

After the shower and getting dress I went straight to my room and saw Robert in only shorts. He caught me staring. "I brought my own clothes this time so I didn't have to borrow any." I don't say anything and just jump into my bed right next to him. We watched The Office.

We watched about three episodes before we got a little bored. Yes, The Office is great but I hate sitting in one place and just staring at a tv. So I started to fidget with my hair tie that's around my wrist. I feel Robert staring at me. I swear I can even feel his breath on my neck. I look over at him and start breathing a little heavier. There's so much tension. One thing leads to another and we're kissing. I am telling myself over and over that I shouldn't do this but it just feels perfect. I really like him.

His fingers eventually start to linger and I just follow his lead. We just rolled around all night. A lot happened that shall remain between him and I. I shall keep this a secret. I'll take it to my grave.

~Next Morning~

I woke up around eight and just sat in bed. I'm also staring at him. The guy in my bed. Robert. The guy I just lost my virginity to. I'm not going to lie it was a very fun night but that should of never of happened. I eventually get up and make myself toast instead of cereal. I have to make sure this doesn't happen again. He has a girlfriend. Now I'm one of those girls. He complained about his girlfriend cheating and he goes and cheats on her? That's not right. I guess it's not right that I allowed him. So I don't have much room to talk.

My thoughts started flooding my mind but then I see Robert walk out of my bedroom and head straight for me. Why can't he just break up with his girlfriend? Ya that's rude of me to say but still. Once he gets close enough he plants a kiss on my cheek. "Good morning." He says.

I'm about to put him in a shitty mood. "Robert, we can't do this. Not again. Especially because you have a girlfriend. This means no more kissing unless we are rehearsing our scripts and no more being touchy, again unless it's in a script." I see him frown.

"Fine whatever." He walks over and plops onto my couch. He does know he could just leave and come back later to practice?

Robert Manion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now