Somewhat Of An Ice Cream Date

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I wake up a minute before my alarm goes off. "Great." I think to myself. I have to shower and put makeup on and look somewhat decent for this guy I just meant. Yes he's cute and out of my league but damn have I already fallen in love with him. But not in a creepy, stalker way. Just "please be my boyfriend" type of love. I haven't dated in a long time but my home town has no guys that interest me whatsoever.

~1 o'clock~

I literally have an hour left and I've done everything I can to look my best but I still feel like this isn't enough. I know this isn't a date but I feel under-dressed but if I wear a dress I feel like I'd be over-dressed. I'll just stick with what I'm wearing: High waisted pants with rips in them, a Coca-Cola shirt, and grey sneakers. Nothing fancy but something I can pull off anytime of the day. I decided to leave my hair alone (mainly cause I'm bad with hair and will find a way to burn it all off).

Another hour passes and I hear a knock at my door. I check my phone and it's exactly two. I open the door and it's Robert. I swear the more I see him the more I become crazy over him.

"Hi y/n!" He said with much enthusiasm.

I smile at the thought that he's kinda excited to see me. Or maybe he's just being nice. You never know these days. "Hi Robert!" After I said that we just kinda stood there without any sort of eye contact. Ya I had a feeling this was going to be awkward.

After a few minutes of silence Robert says, "Well I'm ready whenever you are." I smile and grab my phone of the couch and shut my door on the way out and follow him to his vehicle.

"I want to say thanks. I know we haven't even gone yet or anything but I really appreciate this. Like you're too nice."

"It's not a big deal. I was surprised you even brought it up and I'm glad we're doing this." We head out to the nearest ice cream shop, which is a little over twenty minutes away. Robert turn on his music and it's songs from musicals that Starkid has already put out. "I hope you like these. If not I can change it. I'll like anything you like."

I let out a smile. "Actually I love their musicals and the songs within them." I look over and see him smile too. Why does he have to be so god damn loveable?

After both us jamming to musicals we finally make it. We walk in together (obviously) but he's a little close. Our hands are almost touching. I'm not complaining or anything it just makes me uncomfortable because I know this will never be a thing but he keeps unintentionally being so cute and making it seem like he's intrested.

He ordered a strawberry ice cream and I get vanilla with chocolate fudge on top. We sat at a booth. "We need to hang out as much as possible before you leave. I'm really going to miss you. Like I know we don't really know eachother but I can tell you're a pretty cool person."

I don't know if I should tell him now that I'm not leaving or if I should surprise him with showing up Saturday for the first day and him being all confused and everything. "I do agree we should hang out more. I don't agree with me being a cool person. I'm actually pretty lame. All I can do is play a variety of instruments and sing and dance kinda well along with me being amazing at math. Like for real, you should see my calculus grade I got senior year."

"Good to know I like a smart person." I froze when he said that. I can tell he didn't mean to say that.

"Well good to know that I don't like something that hates me." I say trying to lighten the mood but somehow I feel like I made it worse. His face is even more red than before and I feel like I'm going to puke. "Do you really like me?"

"Can we talk about this later y/n? I shouldn't of said what I said." He replied real fast.

"Well you're the one that brought it up to begin with." I take my ice cream and throw it in the trash can (don't worry, I paid for my own ice cream because I don't rely on people to buy everything for me) storm out the doors. I start crying and walking a little faster after hearing Robert call my name. Honestly I have no idea if I'm going the correct way, mainly cause this is my second day here and because I just wanted to get away from him. I knew it was too good to be true. Guys are always like "I like you but I also don't". I'm better off without him.

After a few minutes of walking Robert drives right next to me. "Please get in. You're not even going the right direction. I can explain everything to you." I start walking a little faster but that obviously does nothing. He parks his car and catches up with me. "Seriously, just let me take you home and I can tell you everything."

"How do you know I'm even wanting to go home. I could just be walking just because I want to. You don't know everything." He tugs my arm and makes me stop. He then can tell I was crying and pulls me in for a hug. That doesn't help me emotionally so I start sobbing even more. He starts to walk back to his car as I have my face in his chest.

He then removes me from his arms. "So are you going for a walk or trying to get home." I didn't answer but just not answering gives him the answer. "Okay I'll give you a ride home and if you don't hate me maybe I can come into your apartment and we can have a talk?" I nod my head and I get into his car. This time he doesn't play music and I'm just staring out the window questioning why I always fall into traps like these.

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