Strangely Unexpected

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I wake up at seven so I have a bunch of time to get ready.  I first hop into the shower and take my time to shave and not smell at all (though I never do, just a fear of mine).  After that I dry my hair and keep a towel around me and go the the kitchen and get cereal (finally have food in my house).  After my Cinnamon Toast Crunch I go to my room and get dressed.  I also put on light makeup because I know that more is going to be put on later for my character. I also do pretty much nothing with my hair, just in a high ponytail.

~After The Show~

The whole cast decides to stick around and greet fans and answer any and all questions.  I personally only got two, one being my age and another where I'm from.  Robert got the majority.

"Hello, and what's your name?" Nick asks another teenage girl.

"I'm Arianna."

"And who do you have a question and/or statement for?"

"Mines for Robert."  She smiles.  "Robert, you've seen much more happier, are you in a relationship or just overall happy?"

I perk up a little more.  I won't be mad if he lies but I just want to know if he'd tell everyone else without discussing with me first. "Well Arianna I have been much happier.  I am in a relationship but their name shall remain unknown because I haven't discussed with her if it's okay that I release that." I really like that answer.

A group of people come up after Arianna.  "Hello, and who are all of you?" Nick asks.

"We're a theater company and we are interested in one of your members." I recognize them. 

"What's your company name and who are you interested in?" Nick continues.

"Our company name is PenVan (idk guys 😭😂) and we are interested in y/n." They pointed at me.  That's how I know them.  They are one of the top musical companies.  They do better than like anyone else.  "So what do you say y/n."

"It is your call." Nick adds on.

I'm speechless.  This company is far from here, in Tennessee.  I grab a piece of paper and hand it to the guy that was talking, Eddie.  "Put your number on here.  I have a lot to think about so I'll get back with you at the end of the week with an answer."

"Just so you know y/n we'll pay for your plane ticket and get you whatever you need to be settled in.  We are really interested in you." Eddie writes his number down and I get back on stage.

Robert leans over and whispers, "What a prick."

All I do is nod but I'm kind of interested but I really love Robert.

The questions are now more directed towards me.  "Are you planning on going?" or "Nick, will you be mad/sad if y/n leaves" and even "please don't leave y/n we all love you here".  I just want this to be over and go home and think.

Robert Manion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now