There's Hope

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I wake up and immediately went to the living room to see if he was still there.  Indeed he was.  Still sleeping and snoring very obnoxiously.  I'm not going to lie though, it is cute.

I got to the kitchen and make what I always make for breakfast: a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I actually made a second one too.  For Robert.  The thing is I have no idea if he even likes this cereal. Doesn't matter, just means a second bowl for me.  I finish eating my breakfast and wake Robert up. "Hope you had fun sleeping here without my consent."

"Well I don't see any cops.  Makes it seem like you're happy that I'm here." He gives me a smirk.  I would so hit him if I didn't have feelings for him anymore.

"Whatever, just go eat your cereal at the table and don't bother me." He then gets up and his hand brushes against mine.  I lift up that hand and cup it into the other.  I feel my face turning bright pink.  I look up and see him smirking some more.  He did that on purpose to see my reaction! I then quickly scurry to my room and lay on my bed feeling my heart pounding in my chest. 

After awhile of relaxation there's a knock on my bedroom door.  I sign and tell him to come in.  I then sit up and he sits next to me.  "Y/n I just want you to know that I really am sorry."

"I bet you still haven't broken up with her." I completely ignore his apology.

He then looks to the ground and doesn't answer.  "You know Robert I really did like you but everyday you give me more and more reasons to dislike you. Like you shouldn't even be here." I gesture around the entirety of my room.  "You have a girlfriend Robert.  Go talk to her.  Work it out.  Or even have a big argument.  I don't really care but I'm sick of this.  I'm sick of you just showing up thinking everything is better now.  I thought you weren't like other guys.  Please, though, if you've already finished the bowl of cereal I made you then leave." 

He then embraces me and starts crying.  I just kind of sit there not knowing what to do.  "I truly am sorry though.  I never meant for that to slip up."  He looks into my face and I can see that he's really upset.  I feel a little bad.  He wipes his tears away.  "And I'm still giving you a ride to rehearsal."

"Whatever."  I get up and go to my closet.  I grab my brothers old clothes that still don't fit me and throw them at him.  "Get in the shower and change your outfit.  Throw your clothes in the washer and I'll start the load later." He visibly smiles. "Now go before I change my mind." He then runs out of my room with the clothes I gave him and I hear the shower.  The thing is I needed a shower but now I can't have one.  I get changed anyways and wait for him to get out. 

As I'm waiting I get a text from Nick.

Nick: I'm sorry but is everything cool between you and Robert.  Like you said you want to stay separated but then I saw you guys yesterday sitting together.  I just kinda wanna knowing I should give the parts I already planned for you to have.  The thing is you and Robert would be right next to each other pretty much the whole time.  You even have a duet together.  I'm sorry to pry you don't have to give details.  I just wanna know if you want the roll or what.

I know what part he's talking about.  It's the part that he gave Meredith.  That's the part I already really wanted.

I replied.

Me: It's very complicated but I'll take the part.  What are you going to tell Meredith?

Nick: Well she already knows that that part was originally yours so I'm sure she won't mind.  She has other big parts anyways.

Me: Thank you for giving me the option Nick.

Nick: Anytime y/n.  I also know you don't want to talk about it but I'm a very good listener if you want to talk.  I also should mention we have a live stream coming up and three days.

Me:  I might take you up on the offer sometime and thanks for informing me.

As I clicked send to that message Robert takes my phone and reads the messages.  "Oh we're getting some where.  'It's complicated' is so much better than 'I hate his guts'.  Also you asked Nick to separate us?" His original smiles fades out into nothing.

"Ya.  I was really pissed at you.  I AM pissed at you.  Now please give me my phone." He doesn't even get the option because I take it back anyway.

"You know what this means now though, right?"

"What does it mean Robert?" I roll my eyes.

"We get to hang out more! We have to practice together now. With all the dancing and singing. And don't get mad at me.  You had the option to deny the offer." He gives me yet another smirk.  What is it with this guy and smirking.

I playfully punch him.  "Okay whatever.  It's time to go though."

He grabs his keys of the coffee table next to my couch and we head to his car to go to the second day of rehearsal.

Robert Manion X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now