The Fun Stops Now

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Robert and I walk into the nearest Burger King and ordered, drumroll please, burgers.

We then sit and awkwardly eat. After my first few bites though I hear someone call for Robert. Robert then looks up in shock and looks back at me. He then gets up and walks the direction of where her voice came from. I decide not to turn around but look forward and wipe off the mess on my face. Robert eventually comes back with this girl. The girl then sits next to Robert. "Um, y/n, this is Renée, my girlfriend." Why the fuck is she here? All I do is put my hand out and shake her hand. I smile and continue to eat. I can see the disgust in her eyes. She's so damn pretty, ughhhh.

Renée speaks up. "So I hear you work with Robert and the rest of Starkid."

I look at Robert and then her again. "No I'm quitting. Going back to Ohio. This life just isn't for me." Honestly was going to tell Robert that I was staying but she showed up and now I want to leave as soon as possible. I continue to eat my burger.

"Yeah I guess this life isn't cut out for everyone." She gives me the death glare. I get up and leave. This time no one chases after me. At least I know where I'm going now.

Once I walk into my apartment I grab my phone and call Nick.

"Hey Nick. I know this is so out of the blue and I never gave you a little warning but I'm leaving Starkid. I'm going back to Ohio and going back into college to major in something else, like maybe something math related." I start choking up on my tears.

"Okay y/n if this is what you want I won't fight you. I just want to know you are always welcome back. Just give us a heads up. Like just give us a call and we'll pay for a flight ticket back. And you always have my number so if you need someone to talk to I'm here. I know the team will miss you very much."

"Thank you Nick. I really appreciate it."

I start to pack and I call my mother and told her I'm buying a last minute ticket and getting home. She yelled at me saying I have so much of an opportunity here but then she gives up knowing that I'm really stubborn.

After I finish getting everything from my room I go into the bathroom and empty the dryer. Robert's clothes. He's never getting those back.

I finish packing after and hour and order my tickets online. Tomorrow I shall leave. I jump into *not* my bed and fall asleep crying.

~In Ohio~

"Hello mom. Hello dad." I hug both my parents and they take me to their home. Where I'll be living until after college: for the second time.

~Couple Days Later~

I get on YouTube to watch the live stream I was going to be apart of. Makes me kind of upset that Robert looks so happy there. Why wouldn't he be though? He has his girlfriend with him and has an amazing job. Must be wonderful. He also hasn't tried to contact me. Which is good but also makes me sad. Like I thought he cared? I don't want to text him first though cause he's literally the reason I left. I also don't want him to win this so I'll just cry instead. I guess crying fixes everything in the moment.

The stream was six hours long and you already know I watched the whole thing while eating ice cream and crying. I start college tomorrow and everything too so I don't want to have bags under my eyes so I decide I should probably just go to sleep instead of wondering how the team is doing now that I'm not in the picture. Probably better without me. Okay brain, shut up, time to sleep.

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