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I've been in Tennessee for about a week and everyone needs answers. I decide to text the Starkid group chat.

Me: Just so you guys know, I still haven't made a decision.  I do want to go back really bad but this could be very helpful for me.  Also Meathy has been kinda nice.  I expected rude.

Meredith:  I can speak on everyone's behalf, we all miss you.  We will accept whatever you choose though.  We all love you and wish for you to be happy :)

Me: I love you guys too :)

Rob texted me a few minutes after (not in gc).

Robert: I really do miss you...

Me: I miss you too Rob.

Robert: Then why is it taking so long for you to decide? We all want you here.  I want you here.

Me: It's going to be alright.  I want to be there too but I'm thinking EVERYTHING through.  I don't want to make a mistake.

Rob: So you're saying it'd be a mistake to pick us?

Me: Not at all. I'm saying I miss you guys but I want to think through it I should come back to you, my favorite person ever, or stay here and be very successful.

Rob: So you're saying you don't make enough here?  You'd only stay there because you want the money?  I love you y/n.  I don't just say that to anyone either.

Me: It's not just the money but this company is more successful so more props to work with.  More likely to go on Broadway.  I want that. Just like I want you.

Rob: Well I'll believe it when I see it.

I decide not to reply.  It isn't worth it.  I do love him though.  I don't know what he doesn't understand by when I say I'm thinking this through?  He's right though.  I should probably just go back and be with starkid again.

~PenVan Meeting~

"Hi Eddie." I say. 

"Hey." He smiles really big. He's growing on me.  He's a nice person, despite being creepy sometimes.

I walk with Eddie to the meeting.  "I think I know what I want to do."

"Oh ya, and what's that y/n?"

We enter the meeting.  I whisper to Eddie as we take a seat next to each other.  "I think I'm going back to StarKid."

He glares at me.  "Why? Why won't you stay here?"

I don't answer because Meathy walks in.  "Hello everyone.  Today's the day we figure out what y/n decides." She smiled at me and continues.  "We all already talked before this and we already know what to do with what she says."

She then sits down and I stand up. "Well I've thought long and hard about this.  I love it here but I love it in California too." I look towards Eddie.  I feel so bad to leave them behind.  These people are pretty good too.  "But I've decided to leave here and go back to StarKid." I go to sit back down but everyone gets up and hugs me and hands me a card.  I'll read them all later.

Meathy walks up to me. "We will all miss you but we love you so much that we all decided to pay for a private jet to take you all the way back.  Eddie will ride with you and make sure everything goes well." She hugs me.  "Just know you can always contact us." 

"I appreciate all of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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