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Crawford was making a new vine. He tried over a hundred times. It got pretty boring watching him so Chris and I went to his room. He want to pack for tomorrow. While we were going upstairs, he turns around looking at me. Gosh his eyes are ughh perf- wait what am I saying. Next thing happening was him crashing him lips into mine. He pulled me closer to him by the waist. It was good until we both got scared. Crawford finally finished his vine and came and scared us. I jumped and bumped heads with Chris. It was pretty funny but it hurt. We all laughed and went to their room.

They both packed and headed to my house. They kinda like live at my house because they're always here. Crawford decided to invite a friend who invited friends, and those friends invited more. I don't know this until almost the whole school was at my house. "Collins!!" I said repeating that and walking around my crowded house. I finally found both of them, "why, how, who, and what?" I asked not letting them say anything to me. "I asked Colten to come over, and I guess he invited more people." Crawford said. "Well got rid of them." I said turing around into a big crowd. I went upstairs and into my room. I opened the door and there was a full makeout session going on. "Can you get the hell out of my room, correction house?" with that they left. Then I locked my door and went to sleep.

In the morning it was dead quiet. I got up and went downstairs, it was spotless clean. The boys fell asleep on the floor. We had to leave soon so I had to wake them up. Its hard waking up these divas. So I got a glass of water and poured it, slowly, on them. Chris got up but Crawford just rolled over. I went upstairs to get ready and have Chris wake him up.

I put on some sweats, black shirt, and some random sandals. I went to my moms room, I guess my dad is back.

"Here." My dad said handing me money.

"Thanks." I said taking it.

"I talked to Chris he's a great kid." He said

"Oh ok well I have to go bye." I said walking downstairs with my bags.

We took Crawford's car to the airport. It wasn't that far so we got there on time. Chris always falls asleep when we fly anywhere so I sat with Crawf. Once we started flying Chris was alseep.

"So your birthday is coming up... what do you want?" Crawford said starting a conversation.

"Nothing really it's just another day for me."

"Oh. Let's mess with Chris." Crawf said reaching over me, tapping Chris. We kept waking him up and everytime I woke him up he got mad at Crawford. So Crawford told me to stop. We got bored after that so we made snapchats of random stuff.

It was a long but fun flight. Carter and Maggie pick us up. Maggie is exactly like my twin, we have so much in common. Her and Carter are so cute together.

We all decided to get Hayes and Nash then go walking around LA. It was really fun with these people. I just hope we don't do anything like last time. The last time I was with them... let's just we didn't not look so good the next day. To be honest I don't really remember what happened.

So I was walking looking down at my phone, then I walked and bumped heads with some one. I was hoping that person was nice and not gunna get pissed off.

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