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So its been 4 days after the tour and its time to go back home. There was some good times as well as bad ones. Time to go back to my daily life. I'm really going to miss all the boys, maggie, and anyssa. Truly I don't want to go back to Canada, nothing wrong there but going back to being invisible to everyone and getting picked on too.

"Do you really have to go? I don't want you to leave me." Maggie hugging me while getting my bags from the car.

"We all need to hang out again." Anyssa said.

Cameron came up to me and gave me a big hug and so did the Grier boys. Carter was being emotional Carter. He was basically acting like if I was going to die.

"We aren't going to die." I said laughing and hugging Carter, " But you do need to facetime me more butthoe. "

"Are you ready?" Chris asked while laughing at Carter.

"Yup let's go." I said hugging everyone one last time.

We got a long flight so I'm going to sit with Crawford because Chris falls asleep like a little baby. I don't really want to go for some reason.

"Is it just me or do you guys feel like not going back too?" I asked killing the silence.

"Same way here" both of the boys said in sync.

I always thought it was really funny when they did that and once they atart they will never end, like they will keep saying the same thing. We finally got to board the plane after 2 hours of waiting.

Once we got on we sat in the middle part, so it was Chris, myself, and then Crawford because they both wanted to sit with me. Am I just that entertaining or somethin? I don't think so. Chris said that he really need to talk to me and us sitting together he would tell me. But then Crawford said that Chris is going to knock out before we even got in the air, which was true, so I just went between them.

While the flight, Crawford spilled the beans on what Chris wanted to talk about. After that we started messing with Chris because why not.

After long hours of sitting still, we finally got into the airport with our luggage. My mom got busy with work so I was just gunna go to the boy's house. Chris and Crawford must have not tried hard enough because I found their mom with out even trying, which is bad in their behalf.

In the car looking at the scenery got me missing the view of Canada. It seems like I haven't been back in forever, but I was glad to be back home. The boys scared me out of my deep thought and laughed because I jumped. Well its okay I will get them back sooner or later.

I left my bags in the car when we got to their house and went straight to the couch and laid right on it. So Chris and Crawford came running over and sat right on me, nearly squishing me to death.

"You guys and get off me now, you know right?" I told them out of breathe.

"Yeah we know. Just to lazy to." Chris said and they both got comfortable on me.

So I some how got out from under them and went to lay right back in them.

"Wait! I need to use the restroom, so don't lay down yet!" Crawford said jumping up and walking away.

"Well since he's gone, can I tell you what I needed to on the plane?" Chris said sitting up.

"Yup I'm all ears." I said knowing what he would say because of Crawford.


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