🎶Chapter 8🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Kacchan you're not doing it right!"

"Of course I'm not! These drum sheet you wrote don't make fucking sense!"

"What do you mean they don't make sense? That's cause you're not reading it right!"

"I choose the drums as my main instrument for a reason! Ya know why? Cause I'm hella good at it and I'm telling you that your shitty explanation in this don't make fucking sense!"

"Ugh! Fine! Switch instruments with me if you won't corporate with my explanation!"

"I want a perfect fucking grade for my drumming skills! No way in hell am I getting my ass out of this stool!"

"Guys can you quite down? I can hear you through the sound proof walls! I mean, is that even possible?!"

I look to my right to see Kirishima at the door.

"Oh! Sorry about that Kirishima." I gave him an apologetic smile while rubbing behind my neck shyly.

The room that we were supposed to go was full of other first years. But we got the instruments we needed to so now we're at te Performance Practice Hallway where there's this big door, and behind that door is many rooms where you can practice playing your instruments with other people, and the walls are soundproofed. There's hallways like these for each year so it won't be crowded.

Kirishima seemed to be heading to the room right next to us with Hagakure.

But we weren't THAT loud. Were we?

"Tch. I don't give a flying fuck. Its just this dumbass ain't good with the drums apparently." He said, pointing at me while I glared his back.

"I am good! It's just, I'm not good at writing the drum sheets. So don't just say that I'm not good!"

"Hah?! I thought you were smart enough to write this shit on paper? Heh, noob." He gave me a teasing grin.

I don't know what got over me but all I know is that I am now pinning Kacchan to the wall, raising my fist, ready to punch him.

But the moment I looked at his eyes I froze, getting lost in them. For some reason, small tunes of my song stats playing in my head.

What is this? What's going on?

"Okay, okay, guys break it up!" Kirishima said as he pulls me back.

I look at Kacchan to see his eyes widen, lost in thought.

Did he also felt that?

"Jesus! Yayorouzu wasn't kidding when she said that you two started doing it physically! Y'all need to chill, if not I'm going to have to tell Aizawa that y'all can't seem to work together..." he trailed of, unsure if he should tell on us or not.

"N-no, no! It's fine..." I reassured him.

I don't want Aizawa to know that I am irresponsible for not working well with someone! Especially if that someone is Kacchan!

"You sure? Cause there's no problem in te-"

"The nerd said it's fine shitty hair. Now get the hell out you're being a distraction here." Kacchan says as he went back sitting on the stool.

Kirishima seemed to hesitate, "alright, well, if you need me I'm right next door!" He said, closing the door behind him. "See ya!"

It was quite for a few minutes. It was really awkward for my liking.

"How about you do the shitty intro of the song with your guitar? That way, I can maybe see the idea of the beat as I go along with it." He shrugged.

I nodded. "That could work. Alright let's do it!"

"Of course it will work! You don't have any better idea with that fucking brain of yours, get on with it!" He yelled as he picked up his drum sticks.

I rolled my eyes. "Jeez. You can be so impatient. Reminds me of a 9 year old..." I muttered.

"Alright get your ass over here so I can beat the shit out of you with my sticks!" Kacchan said as he stood up.



Kacchan was finally going along to the song with his drums. It didn't took long for him to go along with it isn't perfect yet.

"Alright, that seems good Kacchan, but your drumming the drums too aggressively. Just like Aizawa said, 'If you're not playing right, you may be distracted or something else."' I explained.

"The fuck you mean! I'm not distracted nor anything like that!" He growled.

"But that doesn't mean on why your playing the drums aggressively! Either you're distracted, or you're just not good enough. I mean, I know my song is hardcore for the drums but I didn't know it will be THAT hard." I smirked.

His eyes twitched as he got up.

"Alright shitty nerd listen here. I am WAY better than the rest of these extras and I'm certainly even better than YOU! So don't even THINK with that head of yours that you're better than me cause one day, I WILL surpass All Might! You hear me?!" He yelled, with every word he takes one step until he's now pinning me to the wall.

My breath hitched noticing how close we are. He then locks eyes with mine, making me lost in them.

I know we hate each other and that we're rivals and all, but that doesn't mean that I have some sort of feelings towards him, right?

I suddenly felt really hot because of how close he is making me push him. He lost balanced making him fall in the floor. I can feel my cheeks reddened.

"What a coincidence, so do I. But I don't want to surpass All Might. All Might is my inspirational, so I want to become just like him, making people smile and enjoy my music. But if you want to surpass him, you have to surpass ME first, cause I also want to be number one." I said, looking down on Kacchan. Shouldn't it be the opposite though? Nah this is way better.

Kacchan face turned to shock, to pure rage.

"Why you little-"

"I think we are done here for today. I'll see your tomorrow Kacchan." I said as I packed everything inside my backpack.

As I'm heading out the door, I glance behind me seeing Kacchan already standing. "Before I go, I better see improvement on your drumming of the song. If it's not that, then figure out why you're distracted." I said, closing the door behind me.

Holy shiiI just did that! But, I wonder why he didn't say anything or said any remarks on me. Did something happened? He is not acting himself just now. Either way I'm worried, as a person and a rival.


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