🎶Chapter 36🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Hey hey hey look who's back!" Kirishima yelled out the moment I entered class with Kacchan by my side.

Suddenly the whole class crowded around us, saying multiple comments and questions while I tried to respond but it's hard when everyone is saying them at the same time making me feel unease.

I can feel Kacchan getting annoyed.

"Hey HEY! Back it up will ya? It feels like I'm being suffocated just now." Kacchan glared while some apologize while others rolled their eyes but did what he ask and backed away.

"Oh Deku, I'm so glad you're okay!" Uraraka yelled out from the crowd as she ran towards me, arms spread wide as she gave me a tight hug which I gladly did in return.

"So do i."

"Uraraka you should be careful! He just got out of the hospital and he should take it easy!" Iida yelled out while Uraraka quickly let go, giving me an apologetic smile.

"My bad Deku, I got carried away." She laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Don't be, I'm just glad to see everyone here." I smiled as they let out a cheer making me laugh.

"Everyone get in your seats."

We turned around to see Aizawa looking bored as ever standing at the doorway.

We quickly scurried off and went to our seats, the room suddenly becoming dead quiet.

Aizawa slowly walked to the front and stand where his desk is.

He then looked at me. "Midoriya, I'm glad that you're feeling well."

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa, so do I." I smiled, happy to be here again.

He nodded. "And I heard that you know everything that you've missed, thanks to Bakugou here."

Everyone looked at Kacchan surprised minus me, Kaminari, and Kirishima.

Kacchan stared looking irritated as he glared at everyone. "Turn your asses back around."

I rolled my eyes and gave a confident smile towards Aizawa.

"Yes, I do."


"Gah! I'm so exhausted and it's only been a few hours!" I whined as I slam my lunch tray on the table and slumped in my seat.

Right now it's lunch time and honestly I'm getting tired of people saying that I'm okay or how am I feeling and their times that they will ask questions and I'm just so tired!

What makes me more annoyed is the rumors they start talking whenever I'm around. I'm guessing they kind of know what happened?

"I mean, this is the first time something happened like this to a student in this academy and some people are wondering what happened so of course people will start bothering you." Todoroki commented as he took a sip from his strawberry milk.

"He's right you know. It's not going to be very easy for you now that you're here. Let's just hope those rumors die down." Uraraka pointed out, pricking on her salad.

"If things get out of control you should talk to a teacher Midoriya, do you understand?" Iida sternly said.

I nodded. "I understand but I'm sure it won't go bad." I shrugged as I started eating my ramen noodles.

"Alright besides all that, what's going on between you and Bakugou? You guys seem close!" Uraraka excitedly said.

A small smile forms on my face, remembering the times we did together at the hospital.

But that quickly change as I feel my face getting red as I remember the times that he also flirted with me and... kissed my neck.

I turned to face her, waving my hand that it was nothing. "Let's just say we've become friends but we're still rivals ya know."

"Wait what? Since when did that happened?" Todoroki quickly asked as he placed his strawberry milk down, now fully paying attention.

"Mmm, it just did? I don't know but he's been with me ever since I woke up and even helped me so I'm guessing he felt bad? But I'm not quite sure. He also wants to be friends with me so that's that." I said, unsure with my words.

"Maybe he likes you~?" Uraraka exclaimed as she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I can feel myself getting flustered. "W-what? No, of course not!" I quickly denied.

"Aha! Then how come your face is red, hmm~? Is it because you like him~?" Uraraka continued as she leaned a bit close while I covered my flustered face with my arms, quickly denying everything she says.

"Uraraka I think that's enough, he's not looking so good either." Iida warned her.

"Oh come on he's just blushing! Right Todoroki?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Suddenly the bell rang meaning lunch is over as I sighed in relief, glad that the conversation is now over.

"Oh no mister, even if the bell rang that doesn't mean this conversation is over!" She waved her finger at me as she stood up with her tray, walking towards the trash can.

I sighed in disappointment while we all stood up and do the same.


"Deku! Change of plans we need to do that duet RIGHT NOW." Kacchan said the moment he entered the room looking panicked.

"What? But, Aizawa gave us all an assignment and it's due today!" I quickly said as I stood up from the stool.

We are all in the PPH and I was just in mines and Kacchan's room doing the assignment which was rehearsing some notes with our main instruments.

"We already did that shit now let's go because you know how that guy is!" Kacchan yanked my arm making me go forwards as he dragged me out of the room.

We are now speed-walking towards our homeroom after I yanked my arm back, complaining that he's gripping too tightly while he just clicked his tongue at me but let go saying that I should hurry up.

Soon enough we're now standing in front of the door.

"You better not mess this up Deku. This is literally half of our grade for this semester." Kacchan said as he glanced at me.

I chuckled at him, my hands now gripping on the door handle, turning it as I pushed the door open.

"Wasn't planning to."


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