🎶Chapter 49🎶

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Bakugou POV

I suddenly felt something.

I feel... sad?

Is Deku sad!? He must be really upset to the point that I can feel it over the bond.

With enough strength, I tried twitching my fingers.


It fucking twitched.

Slowly, i started to feel more of my fingers and legs, and then the weight on top of me.

Making sure that I'm not paralyzed anymore, I brought up my hands that are now formed into a fist as it makes contact to shitty hair jaw.

He made a sound before falling on the floor as he landed on a awkward position.

I wiped the drool from my lips as I stared at him angrily.


"I'm sorry!" He cried out, holding onto his jaw as he winced.

"Good, the plan worked."

I turned to the voice and saw the scar guy, ugly wrinkles, and the crazy looking bitch entering the room.

"What fucking planーmore importantly what the hell is going on!" I shouted into their faces as I got closer to them.

"Why the fuck did you paralyzed me and why did you threatened shitty Hair into kissing me!? Huh!?"

"So you and izuku would break up of course~" the crazy bitch giggled as I started at her confused.

"What the fuck does she mean?" I glared at them.

"Oh you should've seen the look on his face when he saw you two make out! He was crying but was holding it in and it was sooo cute~!" She cackled as she skipped towards shitty hair.

"Hey handsome, you okay~!"

I turned to them, giving them the deadliest glare as I saw them looking nervous.


I saw them visibly gulp but kept acting cold and confident.

"The green blob knows that you have a soulmate, but don't know who, so he thinks that your soulmate is that spiky looking red hair guy." Wrinkles guy said as he pointed to shitty Hair who is being nursed by the crazy bitch.

"Now poor little Midoriya is hurt and you two won't be the duo anymore and we'll reach for the top." Scar guy continued, a small smirk formed on his face.

"You piece of shitーIS THIS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG! THINKING THAT I HURT DEKU INTO THINKING THAT HE'S NOT MY SOULMATE SO THAT YOU FUCKERS CAN BE THE WORLD FAMOUS MUSICIANS! HUH!" I yelled at them with fury as I got more closer to them making them backed away a little.

"Yup, pretty much~!" Crazy bitch giggled as she held an ice pack close to shitty Hair jaw.

I turned to him, "we'll talk later." I glared.

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