🎶Chapter 39🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Good morning everyone I'm guessing you enjoyed your break? Who am I kidding of course you did and I did as well but now that's over and then I have to see you little shit heads again and have to teach so let's view over some lessons from the first semester." Aizawa said as he grabbed an expo and started writing on the whiteboard.

We just sat there in silence, shocked that he just talked like that.

"Guess he got tired with our shit so he finally snapped." Kacchan muttered enough for me to hear while I just let out a small snicker.

"Heard that. But yes Bakugou, you are absolutely right, I am so tired of your shit."

Everyone and including me laughed as we watch Kacchan throw insults at Aizawa while he paid no attention to that as he continue writing on the board.


Everyone stopped laughing when those words left his mouth while I face palmed, knowing that they're going to question that.

"I'm sorry, what did you say~?" Uraraka teased while her and the girls started giggling.


"No no no, you said something to Midoriya here. You heard it right, Midoriya?"

Everyone is now looking at me while I feel my face burn up from the attention.

"W-what? No I didn't hear a-anything." I laughed, hopefully they would drop the subject.

"Come on! I'm not freaking deaf I know that he said-"


We all turned to see All Might bursting through the door with his usual smile on his face.


"Yes it is I, All Might, and I am here to take some students who are learning to play all of the instruments here, raise your hand if your that student."

I raised my hand and looked around to see only me and Kacchan with our hands raised.

My eyes landed on Todoroki to see his hands isn't raised.

"Didn't you wanted to play all of the instruments Todoroki?"

He looked at me, a small smile forming on his face. "It wasn't my dream to learn all of the instruments, it was my old man remember? My heart is already set with the piano and the piano only."

I smiled, memories of how we meet came flowing through my mind and was glad that I was able to help him.

"It's your music, your music not his. And I hope one day he'll understand that."

"Yeah I hope so too." He muttered.

"Alrighty! I want young Bakugo and Midoriya to step out for a moment so I can have a small chat with them yeah?"

Aizawa nodded while me and Kacchan stood up from our chairs as we followed All Might out of the classroom.

I can feel myself getting nervous. I mean, who wouldn't? This is the number one musician here and he wants to talk to us! But I'm also getting excited to be able to talk to him. Oh boy I hope i can ask him questions like what type of hair products he uses to make his bangs stand up like that yet looks so soft. I bet-

Daddy, you're mumbling again. I have enough of you mumbling and especially when you say it in your thoughts. I have a headache.

I chuckled, sorry.

We are now standing outside the classroom as we let the door slowly close on its own as it let out a few creeks.

"I saw potential in the two of you the moment I saw the video you posted of you playing." He started.

I just stared at him in surprised and can tell Kacchan feels the same way.

"You saw my video!" We exclaimed at the same time.

"Why of course! I saw everyone's video! And when you wrote in your information saying that you want to learn how to play all the instruments I wasn't very shocked whatsoever because I see two very successful musicians in the two of you." He smiled and I can feel myself wanting to jump around in happiness but decided to contain myself as I stared at All Might with a big grin on my face as we both stood there, listening quietly as we wait for him to finish.

"And so I made a class of my own for those students that want to play every single instrument there is and you two are in it!"

Me and Kacchan both stared at eachother, not believing that this is actually happening.

"You mean-"

"That's right! I'm gong to be teaching you and the students who got accepted on how to play all of the instruments their is! But I gotta warn you, it's going to be pretty hard, thing you can handle the challenge?"

Without a thought I quickly nodded my head while Kacchan gave him a determined nod.

"Alright! I want you to fill in this packets and bring them in once the day comes, enjoy your day!"

And with that, he turned around as he walk away, watching as he made a turn where we could no longer see him.

Without a thought I let out a loud squeal as I started jumping around, mumbling what just happened while Kacchan paid no attention to me as he stood there dumbfounded as he look down at the packet in his hands.

"Holy shit..."

"I know right! We're so close on becoming the greatest musicians!" I squealed.

"You're right about that Deku, but I have a confession I must make..."

I stopped whatever I was doing and stood in front of Kacchan as he stared at me with serious yet nervous look.

I couldn't help but feel nervous myself as I stood there patiently. "W-what is it?"

"Do you..." he cleared his throat, seeing a blush started to form in his face to his ear making me think if he's confessing his love for me.

"Would you like to be in stage withーno, become a duo once we become musicians?"

"You mean-"

"Let's become The Wonder Duo
shitty nerd."


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