🎶Chapter 60🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Kacchan, no, no, no, bad Kacchan, if you do this thenーoof!" Kacchan roughly pushed me on the couch as he crawled on top of me with that stupid smirk on his face. "Come on Deku, how about a little fun before we go and meet All Might yeah?" He said as he started to kiss down my neck.

I groan as I moved my head to the side to give Kacchan more access, "why are you always horny? Plus I'm still sore."

Kacchan pulled back, staring at me for a moment before a devilish smirk formed on his lips. Oh no, what's he planning.

"Hey Deku, I have a better idea..." I don't like where this is going.

"W-what is it Kacchan?" I mentally slap myself for stuttering as Kacchan eyes filled with humor as he chuckle a little before leaning down, slightly biting on my earlobe, "Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby let me know. Boy I'm gonna show you how to do it and we start real slow. You just put your lips together and you come real close. Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby, here we go~" he softly sang to my ear as his hands trailed down and teasingly humped my now hard on.

I let out a whine as I turned my head away, a blush formed on my cheeks to my ear as I slightly nudged on Kacchan's bulge with my knee. He smirked down at me, lust filled in his eyes before standing up straight as he removed his belt while staring down at me making me even more flustered.

"You really like it when I sing something sexy to you ear, hm~?" He teased as he started to remove his boxers and held his member in front of me making me blush even more as I glared at him.

He chuckled darkly, "be a good soulmate and suck it~"


"Come on Deku, I said that I was sorー"

"Just give me some orange juice bakugou."

He flinched when I said his last name as he quickly nodded and ran off to the kitchen while I sighed and cleaned my mouth with mouth wash.

'You pulled out the last name card huh.'

I spit out the mouth wash on the sink as I turned off the running faucet and hummed, "that just lets him know that I'm pissed at him." I said as I walked out the bathroom and into the kitchen to see Kacchan placing a glass of orange juice on the island. Kacchan notices me and looked up while I simply ignored his stare and sat on the stool and drank the orange juice.

"Kacchan?" I blankly said making Kacchan tense as he nervously looked at me, "y-yes Izuku?" he cursed himself for stuttering while I looked at him, "I'm not going to do that ever again unless you start eating greens."

"Fucking knew you were going to say that!" He groan while I simply continued drinking my orange juice. "Well it's not like yours tastes any better." He argued while I placed the glass down and glared at him. "I mean if we start grocery shopping to buy some decent food instead of ordering junk food every once in a while." I argued back.

He growled as he slammed his hands on the island, "and who's fucking fault is that? Your lazy ass don't want to get out of the house even after i told you that we should go to the damn store!"

I gritted my teeth, "we've just moved in two days ago! What's so wrong spending a relaxing time with my boyfriend at our new penthouse!" I yelled as I stood up and stomped my way back to our bedroom and purposely slammed the door as I flopped on our bed. I sighed as I grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it while curling my body.

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