🎶Chapter 12🎶

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Midoriya POV

"All Might?!"

I stared in shock. THE All Might is at the same room as me!

"I am here~!" He sang out.

"Omg, you're All Might! I can't believe I am able to finally meet you! You're my idol! I've listened to every song and watched every interview you've been through ever since you became a legendary musician! Omg I need an honor graph from you! Where's my notebook-?!"

"Oi! Shut the hell up you stupid broccoli, you're probably freaking him out with your fucking muttering and shit!" Kacchan shouted as he started bumping my head with his fist.

"Ow, OW! Okay, okay I get it quit that!" I slapped his hand off.

I look back at All Might to see him smiling. "Well you two look like good friends I might say!" He said, letting out a thumbs up.

"Were not friends!" We said in unison, looking each other in shock.

"He's my rival!" We said in unison again. We glared at each other, as we both huffed as we looked away.

"You both have some talent, you both know that right? I've been keeping an eye on both of you and see that both of you have improved! Now I see you both have everything covered and don't need my aid so I'll be off to help the rest of the students. So long, young Bakugou and Midoriya ~!" He sang out the last part as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

We both started at the door. "Aw men! I wanted to get his honor graph!" I whined.

Kacchan rolled his eyes. "Quit your whining! It's not going to be the last time we see him. After all he is going to be teaching us on our second year." He shrugged.

My eyes widen. "Really?! But, how did you know that?" I asked.

"Cause I fucking do! Now get your ass back on the stool so we can practice one last time until lunch starts! Fucking nerd, how the hell did I get feelings for you..." he mumbled out the last part but I couldn't quite hear it.

"What was that?" I questioned.


At that, I didn't said another word as I sat on the stool as we both did the tune of the song one last time.

Once we're done I let out a dramatic sigh. "I can't feel my fingers!" I complained.

Kacchan stretched his arms out. "The fuck you mean? I can't fucking feel my hands OR my arms!" He said as he stretched one more time, winced when his arms popped.

I rolled my eyes as I sat up from the stool as I placed my electric guitar on the case. Once I doubled check it's secured I started packing the rest of my stuff.

"By the way, don't forget to study all the lyrics, especially the parts you're supposed to sing. We have like around three weeks to get this done. Understood?"

He glared. "Who died and made you boss?"

"I mean, you are dead to me. Plus it seems that I'm the only person who can corporate in this project without having to yell all the times." I rolled my eyes.

His eyes twitched. "You motherfucker, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

I let out a meep as I ran towards the door. When I was about to reach out the handle, someone yanked on my hoodie making me fall backwards as I fell on my back.

I winced as I looked up to see Kacchan pinning me on the floor. One hand held both of my wrists on top of my head and the other right next to my face, both of his legs on either sides of mine.

I can't escape.

The bell rang, meaning lunch has started. But Kacchan didn't moved a muscle.

I slowly looked at his face to see him glaring at me, his cheeks looking slightly pink.

None of us said a word, until I finally decided to speak. "U-um, Kacchan? Lunch has started so if you could get off of me I-"

"Shut the hell up."

I flinched when I saw him leaning forwards, his face right next to my ear. "You think you are better than me huh? You think you get to say whatever the fuck you want and do whatever you pleas. Well fuck you Deku that's my job..." he whispered in my ear.

My eyes widen as I slowly nodded. I swear my face is as red as Kirishima's hair.

He chuckled, "good." He sat up straight and smirked to see how flustered I am. He then looked down. "Damn, who knew Deku Jr. can get excited when I only pinned you-"

"Kacchan shut up!" I yelled as I quickly went to grab my backpack and my guitar case.

He laughed as he did the same, grabbing his backpack and one hand on the drum sticks.

He turned to me and smirked. "You sure you don't want me to help with your little... problem?" He chuckled.

I blushed. "What the heck is your problem Kacchan-NO!"

He laughed at my embarrassment as I reached out the handle and turned it. But it's stuck.

"Huh?" I tried again and it doesn't budge.

Kacchan chuckled. "I know your fingers hurt and all Deku but damn your weak." He smirked.

I glared at him. "That's not it, it won't open! I think it's locked..." I said, letting go of the handle.

"WHAT?!" Kacchan shouted as he tried to open the door. But it won't budge.

I face palmed. "Of course! The janitors closes the PPH and all the rooms once lunch ends!" I exclaimed.

He then turned to me. "So your saying we're stuck here?!"

I nodded. "I'm afraid so..."

"FUCK!" Kacchan shouted as he kicked the door.

I sighed. "Calmed down. I can just ask one of our friends to ask someone to let us out." I said, reaching for my phone.

I frowned. "But there's no signal..." I muttered for him to hear as I put my phone back into my pockets.

"Oi! OI! CAN SOMEONE HEAR ME! THE DOOR IS FUCKING LOCK, LET ME OUT!" Kacchan shouted as he started banging on the door.

I grabbed his arm. "Kacchan stop! It's no use, the walls are soundproofed remember?" I said as I let go of his arm once he stopped.



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