🎶Chapter 42🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Alright don't come to class late or I will right you up, this is your first warning, understand?"

I nodded understandingly while Kacchan just rolled his eyes but nodded.

All Might sighed, "men they make strict rules in this academy..."

He cleared his throat. "Anyways class these few months has passed as fast as a song note and we've accomplished learning at least 46 instruments! Congratulations!" All Might exclaimed happily.

We all cheered as we stood up from our seats, some of us were dancing while others just yelled happily and whistled.

I looked at Kacchan and grinned at him happily while he winked at me as he held up a peace sign.

You're making this harder than it needs to be Kacchan....

These few months have gone by fast and honestly they've been rough, but I still made it through even with Kacchan by my side.

I made new friends, new rivals, possibly fell in love, yet everything turned out great for my first year, despised the whole Ryota and me being in a coma thing.

And I'm happy to say that I'm proud of myself, learning all those instruments in just the first year was extremely hard. I've had broken fingers and some cuts in them, I get sore throats at times when I sing too much or forced myself, my ears sometimes ringed due to the loud instruments, but yet, I've made It trough that. But, I'm guessing the next two years will be extremely hard but I will still go through all that to reached my dream. Our dream.

Me and Kacchan.... have gotten close to say the least, but I also got to remember that he has a soulmate, and so do I but I haven't meet mines yet, but he has, so why is he making this even harder than it needs to?

We like each other, we both know that, but the thing that confuses me is that why he likes me? Even though he meet his soulmate yet that person doesn't know that it's his soulmate.... is he playing with me? Is he playing with me and his soulmate?

I mean we are going to spend our years together when we become musicians, since he pretty much proposed that we'll become a duo when we do that, but shouldn't he proposed to that to his soulmate and not me?

Aargh! This is frustrating, I sighed.

I guess I kind of have to talk with this to Kacchan, it's too late that my feelings for him already grow to, I don't know, love maybe?

Maybe I can hide away these feelings once he tells his soulmate or that his soulmate gets to figure out that their soulmate is Kacchan.

Didn't he said that his soulmate is a guy?

Ugh I don't know, I'll have a serious talk with Kacchan about this but it's possible that our new dream to become a 'Wonder Duo' together might be the end since he might want to do that with his soulmate, since he did say that his soulmate goes to this academy so it's possible.

Anyways with that thought aside, The league of bands, ugh, I've come to terms that I really don't like them, especially Dabi and I know Kacchan hates him too for some reasons. They proposed that they're aiming for the top, and so are we, so in the future will be pretty interesting between us, if that 'between us' carries on I mean.

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