🎶Chapter 15🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Oi. Deku, wake the fuck up will you." I felt a foot slightly pushing on my stomach, making me laugh a bit.

I slowly opened my eyes only to be consumed with the bright light making me quickly close my eyes.

"Oi, Deku wake the fuck up. I know you're tired and shit but you need to eat. You haven't ate any of the granola bars yesterday."

How did he know that I haven't them? And why does he care anyways?

I opened my eyes as I slowly stood up, letting out a groan when I felt my neck sore as I slightly rubbed it.

I feel like crap. But I've been worse.

I slowly stood up from the floor, stretched my arms but quickly put it down when I felt my head pounding and my stomach grumbling for food.

I then heard a chuckle in front of me.

"You look like shit."

I looked at him giving him a straight face.

"No shit sherlock." i mumbled, my voice cracked slightly.

Damn, I'm really thirsty right now. I am so not in a good mood today.

I look up to see Kacchan giving me a shocked look.

I glared at him. "What?"

He shook his head. "You've never cursed before." He sternly said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm just not in a good mood when I wake up at a janit- I mean waking up from a cramped floor..." i sighed, realizing i was about to say something else.

He looked at me but shrugged as he threw me the two granola bars as I caught them with ease.

"Well someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed." He chuckled as his own joke.

I gave him a 'really?' look. "If you haven't noticed wE DON'T HAVE A BED!"

He clicked his tongue muttering 'whatever' as he flopped on the floor.

I did the same as I unwrapped one of the granola bars and started eating it. As I was about to open the second one I looked at Kacchan to see he is lightly tapping the floor wit the drum sticks at a steady beat.

He probably ate all his granola bars yesterday.

I looked at the granola bar that I was holding, then I threw it at Kacchan where it landed on his head.

"The hell...?" He muttered as he grabbed it from his hair and looked at it, then started at me questioning.

I shrugged. "Just fucking eat it and don't talk to me." I said in a monotone voice as I got up from the dirty floor as I picked up my backpack, setting it on the table.

He didn't say anything else but gave me a glare as he unwrapped the granola bar and ate it.

He probably knows not to mess with me when I'm at a bad mood or something.

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