🎶Chapter 26🎶

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Bakugou POV

"Aaaaggghh, Deku! Aizawa was being a bitch today and decided to give us a ton of shitty homework that is due TOMMOROW!" I whined as I lazily closed the door behind me with my foot, walking towards the chair that was next to Deku's bed.

I sat down the chair letting out a huff as I placed my book bag on my lap and took out two packets and a textbook titled 'Elements of Music Worldwide' as I toss my book bag on the floor.

I sighed as I looked at Deku and sadly nothing has changed but the little initials on his cheeks seems a bit faded but still noticeable.

I lean towards the bed a bit as I slowly caressed his left cheek, tracing the two letters as I felt myself gritting on my teeth in anger but slowly stopped when I felt Deku shudder a bit.

I chuckled. "Seems you can feel touch by now, even the littlest..."

I let go of his cheeks as I reached over and grabbed the rolling table that was at the end of the bed and rolled it in front of me as I placed the packets and the notebook on top of it.

Since I started visiting Deku after school, I started doing my homework and studying in here and it gets annoying doing it on my lap with the textbook on top of it so I requested the nurses for a rolling table in this room to do my homework more comfortable.

I grabbed the first packet and looked at the tittle, I scolded when I saw it.

"Bass Clef Lines and Spaces again?? Didn't we do this shit a month ago or something!" I groan and looked at Deku.

"Listen to this Deku, Bass Clef Line and Spaces. We did this shit a month ago didn't we?? This week we started learning about the minor power chord of a guitar so how the fuck did he give us this piece of shit?" I dropped the packet on the table in disbelief as I looked at it.

"Aizawa was probably lazy to do homework about the minor power chord or maybe his dumbass doesn't have any homework to give us so he decided to give us this fucker." I formed my hand into a looking gun and pointed at my packet and made a gun shot sound, pretending to shoot it.

I dropped my hands on my lap as I let out a long sigh, looking at Deku with hope.

"When are ya going to wake up Deku, huh? It's getting harder without you- well awake at least." I muttered as I finally gave in and did the stupid packet.

30 minutes later I finished the packets cause I'm hella smart as I started packing my belongings in my bag.

I then heard the door open as I turned my head to see the nurse who always checks on Deku's condition and reports it.

She is holding a clipboard in one arm and a pen on the other hand. She looked at me and bowed while I bowed my head back a bit.

She casually walked towards Deku and looked at his monitor as she scribbled it down into her notes and then his IV and does the same.

She then uncovered the blanket away from Deku as I swiftly looked away, knowing that she's checking the many scars and carved words on his body as I heard her scribble it on her notes.

I then heard shuffling as I looked at the nurse to see her fully covering him with the blanket as she scribbled a bit more on the clipboard.

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