🎶Chapter 18🎶

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Bakugou POV

I stood up from my seat, swinging my book bag over my shoulders as I walked out of class.

As I was getting close to the lunchroom I heard my name being called behind me. I rolled my eyes, recognizing the voice as I continued walking.

"Bakubro! Wait for us!" Suddenly I felt two hands on my shoulders making me stop walking.

I turned my head to see dunce face and shitty hair.

I glared at them as I roughly took their hands off of me as I continued walking towards the lunchroom.

"Well someones in a bad mood." Dunce face joked as he and shitty hair decided to fucking walk beside me as we entered the lunchroom.

"So, why are you in a bad mood Bakugou?" Shitty hair asked as we got a tray and started placing foods of our liking in it.

I scoffed. "It was fucking Deku's fault, and now I haVE TO GET FUCKING PUNISHED!" I yelled, earning some looks from people, but ignored me as they continued doing whatever the hell they were doing.

Heh. Probably got fucking used to me since I always let my anger out in this place.

"Wait, how was it Midoriya's fault? He doesn't seem like the type of person to make someone in trouble. Even if it was a mistake!" Dunce face said.

He then looked around, pointed to an empty table meaning that we go sit there and eat.

I walked towards the table as I slam down the tray, sitting down on the surprisingly comfortable chair.

"It was still his fucking fault. He started being sassy around me and it pissed me off." I glared at the food, the started eating it.

I looked at the two, then looked under the table slightly to see them holding hands.

I scoffed, "So you two are together now huh." I said.

They looked at each other then smiled. "Yes we are. But that's not what we wanted to talk about right now." Shitty hair said.

Huh? I thought since they're now together, since it was obvious in the beginning, they would start talking about their relationship non stop.

Pikachu looked at me, a smirk forming on his face. "What happened earlier in class huh? It seemed that you two got along cause it looked like y'all were playing tag or something." He laughed.

I glared at him. "He didn't wanted to answer my fucking question so I did the most evil thing I could think of." I smirked.

"Yeah... getting tickled it's not pretty." Shitty hair said as he let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah but it seemed that Midoriya liked it, i don't know." Dunce face said.

"Yeah that's true, but who knows. Anyways, what was the questioned you asked him?" Shitty hair asked.

I shrugged. "When we were trapped in that room he was acting really weird, I don't know but it was weird. He wasn't freaking out which I thought he would, but he was acting like it's fucking normal to him. And he keeps singing to himself which was fucking annoying." I said, still confused about his behavior from yesterday.

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