🎶Chapter 51🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Thank you for walking me home Kacchan." I said as we're now standing in front of the gates of my house.

He scoffed, "as if I'll leave you walking by yourself in the middle of the night, plus," he paused himself as he leaned down and pecked my lips making me blush. He smirked at my reaction, "I wanted to spend a little more time with your dumbass."

I smiled shyly at him as I looked down at our intertwined hands and couldn't help but blush more.

"I feel like the happiest man alive." I muttered softly to myself.

Kacchan must've heard me because he held our intertwined hands close to his lips as he kissed the back of my hand.

"And so do I." He replied back as we both smiled lovingly to each other.

'I'm just glad that my two gay dads are back together and that I'm stress free from all this.'

We both flinched at the sudden voice in our heads but soon laughed when we realized who it is.

"Come on it wasn't that bad." Kacchan cheekily responded.

'Are you kidding me? Okay boomer I basically have to talk to you about how bad your making the relationship be! And don't get me started on you daddy you were so fucking obviously that I wanted to punch you!'

I sighed softly, "well now I know we're the bad languages and threats comes from." I said, giving a side glare to Kacchan.

He held his hands up in defense, "H-hey I told her to stop but she wouldn't fucking listen!"

I scoffed as I slowly shook my head, a small smile form on my lips. "She'll be an interesting girl when she's born."

'Hell yeah i am.'

We both laugh at her response but I soon stopped when I realized something.

"Don't you want a name already? I just don't want to keep calling you with nicknames which I don't mind of course! But now that I found my soulmate..." I trailed off as I took a quick glance at Kacchan before looking down. "Why don't both of us pick a name for you? How about it honey?"

Well I was planning on waiting once your slow ass finally realize that my old man is your soulmate, but now that you did that then why the hell not! Make sure you give me a cool though name.

Kacchan chuckled, "Alright, how about Princess Explosi-"

"NO!" We both responded while Kacchan just huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Well you said you wanted cool-"

Well I didn't mean by that old man, grow up already!

I started laughing as the two of them begin arguing as I smiled up at the sky,

I'm so happy.

I looked at Kacchan and clapped my hands together making them stopped talking as Kacchan looked at me.

"It's getting late Kacchan, you should head back home." I said to him while he nodded, saying that he isn't done talking about this to our soulmate daughter as he stood in front of me.

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