🎶Chapter 30🎶

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Bakugou POV

"I'm very glad you visited Katsuki but please, come by again, especially when Izuku wakes up." She smiled warmly as she got a hold of my hand and placed it on her forehead.

We are standing at the entrance and I told her I needed to leave so here we are bidding goodbye.

"Thank you for giving me the money for our little Izuku, he'll be very pleas to know this."

I chuckled lightly as she let go of my hand and as I started patting her head. "It's no problem Ms. Midoriya, but I have to get on Deku good side to be able to come by and visit."

She let out a small giggle as I stop patting her head. "I think you will if you try enough. Also call me Inko or Aunty Inko, no need for formalities," she smiled. "Also why do you call little Izuku Deku? If I'm correct I think it pronounces-"

"It's just a nickname I gave him! Um, it means you can do it, or something..." I nervously said and sighed in relief to see her nod in agreement.

"You know he talks about you sometimes, right? I honestly thought your name was Kacchan since Izuku will always start with that."

I nodded. "It's a nickname for me as well. Anyways I better be going, thanks for the tea Ms. Myd- I mean Aunty Inko." I bowed as I took off Deku's slippers and started putting my shoes.

"I should be saying thank you but you're very welcome." She smiled as she opened the door for me as I walked out.

"Have a safe walk Katsuki." And with that, she closed the door leaving me staring at the door.

I sighed in relief as I smirked to myself. "Thank fucking god I got in her good side. I'm fucking surprise that I didn't use any shitty words to my sentences while we were talking."

I stare at the door one last time before leaving the apartment and started walking home.


"I said neat! Didn't I fucking told you to write it neat!"

"Well I'm sorry I was tired mopping the fucking floor and my hands hurt!"

"Ugh, unbelievable! now I have to erase this shit and rewrite your mess!"

"Fuck you katsuki, your the one telling me to write it down."

"Well your the one telling to fucking distract myself and go to the shitty carnival!"

"Whatever." She muttered as she went upstairs, hearing the door close meaning she's in her room.

I scoffed as I also went up to my room as I lazily closed the door behind me as I took out my notes and started erasing the old hags shitty handwriting and replacing it with mines.

A few minutes later I've finished writing it down as I lazily spin around in my rolling chair as I looked at the ceiling.

I'm bored.

I groan realizing I have nothing to do so I just decided to get up and sit on the stool and in front of me is my drums.

I picked up my drumsticks and started doing small beats and soon It became a full beat song as i ended it with one hardcore slam on the drums.

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