🎶Chapter 45🎶

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Midoriya POV


"Aaaaaand that's the bell folks and tomorrow I better have everyone's homework." All Might sternly said as he started packing his things.

Everybody nodded as All Might stood at the doorway,

"We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again"

All Might sang out as he smiled evilly, waving at us as he left.

"Gaaaahhh why did he have to sing that part that's a sad song I'm telling you!" Kendo whined as she pouted.

"The worse thing is that he didn't sang it with the tone of the music, instead he toned it happily." Shinsou muttered as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah who cares the bell just rang let's go." Monoma said as he got up and gathered his things and left.

Everyone started doing the same as i got up and gathered my things.

I turned to Kacchan to see him almost ready, "hey Kacchan?"

He grunted as he started heading towards the door as I walked beside him.

"Can you head on without me? I have to stay behind for, ah.... meet up! Me, Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki are going to meet up at the library and do the essay together." I lied as I started fidgeting with my fingers, hoping he would believe me.

He stopped walking me making me stop as well.

He looked at me blankly before looking down at my fidgeting fingers. Once I realized where he's looking I stopped and cupped my hands behind my back.

He doesn't seemed fazed by my excuses but he nodded which took me by surprise.

"Yeah yeah alright but call me once you had fun with those extras." He grunted.

I smiled at him, glad that he didn't questioned me. "Nah I can just walk home," I waved it off. "Anyways I'll text you tonight Kacchan!" I waved at him as I ran to a different direction.

"Hey, no running in the halls!" A hall monitor yelled as I ran past her.

"S-sorry!" I yelped as I slowed my pace slightly.

And without looking back I turned to a corner, heading towards the double doors that led the outside.


"Seriously if he wanted to meet up at least be here on time..." I muttered as I tapped my foot impatiently.

It's been almost ten minutes and that guy hasn't even showed up yet.

I sighed, why did i even agreed to this? Frick it, Ima just go.

And with that thought I stood up from the wall I was leaning onto and started walking towards the sidewalk.

"Izuku, yoo hoo, wait a moment~!"


I stopped in my tracks and turn around only to see-

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