🎶Chapter 17🎶

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Midoriya POV

"This is so unfair! It was Kacchan's fault for making us stay in the room until lunch ended!" I whined as I started picking on my food.

In the table are Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki and I and right now I'm whining about the punishment that Aizawa has said earlier.

"Why did you two stayed behind by the way?" Uraraka asked.

I started getting flustered when I remembered him pinning me on the floor back then.

Even now I can still feel his hot breath in my ear-

"HAHAHA NOTHING! WE WERE JUST ARGUING IS ALL!" I started waving my hands around, my face turning even more red.

They looked at each other suspiciously as I started eating my food, trying to calm myself down.

"Anyways I am happy for Kirishima and Kaminari on finding out they're soulmates." Iida said.

"Oh yeah, I am too! Us girls knew from the start that they liked each other from the first day so we started shipping them!" Uraraka said, letting out a small squeal.

"What's a 'shipping'?" Todoroki asked.

"You know, when you think two people are meant for each other so you ship them? Something like that." Uraraka giggled as she drank her water.

"That made no sense to me at all but it's fine I guess." Todoroki said as he continued eating his soba.

"What about you Deku?" Uraraka asked, pointing a finger at me.

"What about me?" I questioned.

"Do you ever think you'll find your soulmate!"

I cough a bit and noticed that Todoroki is now looking at me, waiting for me to reply.

"I'm not really sure if I'm being honest. Not a lot of people find their soulmates so it's kinda pointless for some people so they end up with a different person." I shrugged.

Iida cleared his throat. "She meant if you will ever find your soulmate, Midoriya."

"Oh! Well I've never though about my soulmate much or even wonder if I would meet them. Right now I'm not quite interested but if I do meet them then I'll shower them with love." I chuckled.

Uraraka giggled while Todoroki looked down and started humming.

Uraraka stared at him. "Is that your song Todoroki?"

He looked at her. "Yeah, just the tune of it though." He said.

"Well can you sing it out, maybe your soulmate is around!" She excitedly said.

Todoroki looked at me as I gave him a supporting smile.

He looked down. "I'll sing a portion of it." He said as he cleared his throat.

"Just like fire, burning out the way
If I can light the world up for just one day
Watch this madness, colorful charade
No one can be just like me any way
Just like magic, I'll be flying free
I'mma disappear when they come for me
I kick that ceiling, what you gonna say?
No one can be just like me any way
Just like fire, uh~" he sang out.

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