The Move:

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I was on the airplane and I could just feel the nerves getting to me. I could feel all of the pain that I had been through today just hit me... And it hit me hard. I started crying and I just wanted to land already and see Elton. I really wanted to see Colby. I have had the BIGGEST crush on him since we met. No one knows, not even my two best friends, Katrina and Devyn. I suddenly got a text from an unknown number. 

???: Heyy, is this Y/N.

Y: Depends, who's asking?

???: It's Colby!

Y: Oh, then yes, it's me. I thought I had your number though?

C: Oh, yeah, I got a new number. So how's the flight going?

Y: Oh, well okay. Terrible, but how did you know I was on a plane?

C: Elton told us that you were coming down. I asked him for your number so I could check on you, he said you sounded like you were having a bad day.

Y: Yeah, it's been a terrible day.

C: Want to talk about it?

Y: I'm going to wait and tell all of you when I see you guys.

C: Oh okay. Well, we can talk about something else, take your mind off of things.

Y: Yeah, I'd like that.

We talked for a while and then the plane landed. I was SO ready to get off that plane. I called Elton as soon I got off and he could already tell that I was crying. He pulled up and I got into his car.

E: Come on sis, let's get you home. I can tell by your voice and the way you look that you have had a pretty rough day. I wanna know everything when we get home.

Y: Yeah, you have NO idea.

E: Why are you scratched up anyway? and where the h*ll did that bruise on your face come from, Y/N

Y: I'll show you the videos when we get home. You won't like Chase anymore after what you find out.

E: Hey sis.

Y: Yeah?

E: I never liked him.

Y: Welllll... Then you really won't like him!

E: Is that bruise from him? Did he hit you, Y/N?

Y: ...

E: Oh h*ll no.

We arrived at the house and everyone was in the living room waiting to see me. I walked in and I look disheveled. Elton was already p*ssed after he saw me, he was gonna be really p*ssed after he sees the videos. My mascara was run all down my cheek and I was covered in bruises and scratches from Izzy trying to pound my arms and legs. Colby ran up and hugged me first, and boy was he p*ssed. The others followed after Colby.

K: OMG, Y/N, you look a mess! What happened?

D: Yeah babe, what happened?

Y: Everyone better sit down, it's a LONG story.

We all sat down in the living room and I explained what happened. I began with me losing my job and then Chase cheating on me. Then I told them about my parents and then my last encounter with Chase and Izzy. I showed them the two videos.  The whole time  I was talking about Chase and while I showed them the videos, Colby looked even more p*ssed than before. I received some pretty awesome comments though.

COR: Oh sh*it! I didn't know you were such a bada**

D: Corey! *says while laughing*

J: I'm gonna have to agree with Corey, brotherrrr.

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