The Mental Hospital:

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Today is the day... Colby, Corey, Sam, Jake, Devyn, Katrina, Gabby(Jake's girlfriend), and I are going to the Mental Asylum. Us girls rode together in Katrina's car and the boys rode with Sam. We weren't but 45 minutes away from the house.

C: What's up guys, It's Sam and Colby!

S: What's up guys! We are here with Corey-

COR: *laughs in fear* I'm not ready for this guys!

S: Jake-

J: Heyyy, b*tches!

S: Katrina-

K: Hey guys!

S: Devyn-

D: *laughs nervously* I agree with Corey.

S: Gabby-

G: Sup!

C: And my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N.

Y: Wassup ma doods!

After the introductions, we sneak in. I am intrigued and eager to explore.

C: You scared yet, babe?

Y: Nah, I'm ready to see what we find.

A door creaks open, it catches me off guard and I jump. Twenty minutes into the adventure, Katrina and Devyn get scared and they want to leave.

K: Sam, I'm scared. I'm ready to go.

D: Yeah me too.

G: Yeah same.

The girls looked at me to see if I was gonna agree with them but I shrugged and I said, " Girls if you want to leave, go ahead. I promise you that I'm fine here. I've never been to a haunted place before and I really want to explore."

K: We understand. You get 'em, tiger!

D: Yeah, babe. Go, go have fun. You're more brave than all of us anyway!

Y: I love you guys!

Devyn and Katrina hug me and then Kat, Dev, and Gabby go tell Jake, Corey, and Sam that they are leaving.

S: *kisses Katrina* Alright Kat, see you back at home. I love you.

K: Love you too!

COR: *kisses Devyn* Mmk babe, well I love you. See you at home

Devyn: I love you too, babe! See you back at home

J: *hugs Gabby and kisses her on the forehead* Bye Gabby, love you.

G: Love you too, Jake.

Next thing I know, Colby comes up and hugs me.

C: Bye, babe. See you back at home.

Y: Woah, Woah, Woah. I'm not going anywhere except further into this place.

C: *laughs* Well okay then, let's go!

I tell the girls "bye" and they leave. We get further and further into the asylum. Suddenly, we hear more and more noises. Doors creak, we hear footsteps, we hear whispers, we hear growls. This place was full of paranormal activity, it only made me want to explore more. I took the lead and the boys were shocked.

J: D*mn Colby, your girl has some real balls

C: Yeah I know!

Y: Thanks, Jake!

COR: She got more balls than I do to lead the way in a place like this.

Y: Thanks, Corey.

We walked around more and more until we explored every nook and cranny of the place. We all piled up in the car. Sam was driving, Colby in the front seat(for the outro), Jake on the left, me in the middle, and Corey on the right.

Sam: I hope you guys liked this video, don't forget to cop some of that new XPLR merch! If this video gets 300,000 likes, we will go anywhere that you guys decide!

C: Yep, you guys pick where we should go!

S: Make sure to subscribe and hit the notifications! We will see you guys in the next video-

S & C: PEACE *outro* (idk what to call the thing they do at the end of their vids, sooo, yeah🤣🤷🏽‍♀️)

After they get done filming, Colby and Jake switch spots and Colby sits back there with me. I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his hand on my thigh, I fall asleep on the way home.

I woke up and I was in our bed, I questioned Colby.

Y: Colby?

C: Yeah?

Y/: How did I end up here? The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the car on the way home from the mental hospital.

C: Yeah, you looked so adorable and I didn't want to wake you. I just carried you in the house and I lay you in bed.

Y: Awe thanks, babe!

C: You're welcome! Now, go change into your pj's and come to bed, you look tired.

I went and I changed, I then went to bed and Colby looked at me and said-

C: Hey Y/N.

Y: Yeah?

C: You're so gorgeous.

Y: Awe, thanks.

We cuddled up together and we fell asleep.

AWE! What will happen next?

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