The Introduction:

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 Y/N Castee:  You are Elton Castee's younger sister. You are 21 ( you will have a birthday) You live in Connecticut with your boyfriend Chase. You look like the picture above. Everything is going great. It is the new year, in the month of April. You work at Sephora as the assistant manager. You and your best friend, Izzy, are closer than ever. You think that Chase might be proposing soon. You visit your parents every other day and they are happy. Everything a girl could ever ask for.

*DISCLAIMER: You are all gorgeous, that is just a picture that I found. I'm sorry if you aren't brunette or you don't have brown eyes. But then again, you are beautiful people, don't feel you aren't because of this photo! SORRY for being cheesy!*

Elli Kate: She is your best friend. She is 26 and y'all have been the best of friends since you two met at Sephora. She worked there with you until she quit. She is a really good friend and you love her so much! She is like a role model to you even though she is only five years older than you.

Izzy: She has been your best friend since y'all's Sophmore year in high school. She has black hair, bangs, a lighter complexion, and green eyes. She is like a sister to you and y'all hang out all the time!

Chase: He is your boyfriend. Y'all met at a party when you guys were 18, he asked you out for dinner. He is a good man, he treats you like a princess. He has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a killer jawline. He looks like a model basically.

Elton: Is your older brother of course. He left Connecticut to pursue his dream of being a Youtuber. He calls me daily to check on the family. You visit L.A. once or twice a year to see Elton and his friends

Colby: He is one of Elton's good friends.  You've met him a few times. You have a HUGE crush on him.

Sam, Jake, Corey, & Aaron: Elton's really good friends also. ( Didn't really have too much to say about the other fellas, but they are important.)

Katrina "Kat": Sam's girlfriend, she is also one of your best friends

Devyn "Dev": Corey's girlfriend, she is one of your best friends as well

Gabby "Gabbs": Jake's girlfriend, you two are friends but y'all aren't that close


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