Will Tonight be the Night?:

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After I said that, Colby smiled at me and I smiled back. We drifted to sleep after our conversation. 
I woke up and I went downstairs to the kitchen to get me some breakfast and a cup of coffee. Today is my birthday, June 16th, I just turned 22. I ate my breakfast and drank my coffee then Kat and Dev came down to talk to me and check on me.


K: HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! You look a lot happier than you did when you first walked in here!

Y: *slightly giggles* Thanks, guys. Yes, yes I am.

Katrina and Devyn give each other a sly look and they smiled at each other, then they looked at me.

D: Y/N?

Y: Yeah?

K: You are so head over heels for Colby aren't you?

Y: *smiles a huge smile* mayyyybe!


K: Oh girl, we are gonna help you!

D: Oh most definitely!

Y: Oh no. What do you two have planned?

K: You'll see

D: Oh, we might as well tell the poor girl.

Y: What's going on?

D: We are throwing you a birthday party!

Y: WHAT? You guys shouldn't have!

K: You are our best friend, of course, we should have!

Y: *gives them both a hug* Thanks girls, I love you two!


I walk upstairs and Colby is awake.

C: Happy Birthday, Y/N!

Y: Well, good morning sunshine!

C: So what do you have planned for tonight?

Y: Colby, I already know about the party that Kat and Dev are throwing me

C: Oh, well then. *laughing* You'd better go, I can hear them calling you.

Y: *giggles* Yeah yeah I hear them. Bye Colby.

C: *smiles* Bye, Y/N.

I went down to see what the girls needed and they said I need to get ready.

D: Go upstairs and go through the wardrobe that we bought for you at the mall about two months ago. Go and find the outfit *winks at me* and get ready in twenty minutes.

I knew what the outfit was...

K: I'll do your hair.

D: Yeah, and I'll do your makeup. So...go get ready!

Y: Okay, jeez, demanding much?

They laugh and send me upstairs to get ready.

The outfit is above:

This was my hair:

This was my hair:

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