Back in Cali:

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* 3 months later*

Colby and I were hanging out at the mall and then we went to the arcade. We were playing the deer hunter game and I was beating Colby.

C: Ughhh, CHEATER!

Y: I'm not cheating, I'm just better than you!


We won a lot of tickets and then Colby and I went to the gift shop and he bought me a teddy bear. We left the mall and we were heading back home. Colby put his hand on my thigh and he squeezed. I looked at him, and I saw he was biting his lip. I looked down and I saw a bulge. Colby and I have been dating for almost a year now and I think it is time for us to do that bump bump( comment if you know what video that is from). Nah, I'm going to wait until our one year anniversary. I'm going to make him SQUIRM.

We get home and Colby goes to shower. I am laying in bed, playing on my phone. Colby gets out of the shower and I get in.

Y: Hey, Colby.

C: Yeah, babe?

Y: We should watch a movie downstairs.

C: Okay, scary movie?

Y: Yeahhh.

C: Okay, I'll go set it up and stuff.

Colby is setting things up downstairs and I'm getting out of the shower and getting dressed. I wore short shorts and Colby's hoodie. I put my hair up in a ponytail. I walk downstairs and Colby's jaw dropped.

*Colby's POV* I was downstairs and I set up a movie night for Y/N and me. I was on the couch scrolling through TENCHIS ( the best movie streaming device ever! Lookup Roku if you want to know more) to find a movie. I hear footsteps and I look up to see Y/N standing on top of the stairs. My jaw dropped. D*mn, she looked fine. She had on short shorts and my hoodie, I was having trouble concealing my excitement. She walked over and sat beside me. She scooted closer to me until she was almost on top of me. I wrap my arm around her and she lay her head on my shoulder. I look at her and I take my time to admire her. She is beautiful. Her tan complexion, how her dimples become craters when she smiles, her gorgeous Y/E/C eyes and how they shine, her hair and how it falls in all the right places, and her laugh that could cure depression. She is perfect.

Y: What?

C: Sorry, I was just admiring you.

Y: Why?

C: Because... You're perfect.

Y: No, no I'm not.

C: You are to me. I love you, baby girl.

Y: I love you too, handsome.

She nuzzled into my chest and then I felt her hand start to wander... *end of Colby's POV*

I put my hand on his abs and I started to drag my hand down to his thigh. I could see him squirm under my fingertips, I'm doing my job correctly. Finally, I got tired of doing small things. I wanted to make him really squirm. I jumped up and sat in Colby's lap. He put his hands on my hips and I began to grind on him. I could feel him getting hard underneath me. I started kissing him and I kissed down his neck. I stopped and I hopped off of Colby's lap and I sat back down beside him.

*Colby's POV* 

C: What was that for, Y/N?

Y: I don't know, I just wanted to make you squirm.

C: Well, you accomplished your goal.

Y: Don't worry, you'll get the satisfaction soon. *winks*

I felt my face turn hot, she giggled at me. I wrapped my arm around her again and I held her tightly. She lay her head on my chest and she fell asleep almost immediately. I finished the movie and I turned it off. I picked Y/N up bridal style and carried her to bed. I lay her down and I covered her up with her blanket. I got into bed and I wrapped my arm around her, she nuzzled into my chest and she smiled. I kissed her on the forehead. Gah, I love this girl with all my being. * end of Colby's POV*

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