chapter 2

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i finally got to dump my stuff in my room after the 'tour' had ended. mine and sadie's beds were pushed up against the walls on the opposite sides of the room. the bedspread was floral and purple. i gingerly sat down at the end of the bed.

my side of the room was barren. the walls were completely white. sadie had posters and pictures on her side. i had a small dresser, and half of the closet was empty. with sadie's clothes on the other side. i wonder if there was anyone one else besides sadie before me? what happened to them?

"hey sadie?" i ask quietly.

she puts down her book, and shifts towards me. "yeah?"

"was...uh, there anyone with you before me?" i ask tentatively. "in this room?"

"no, it's just been me. i'm the newest too. first caleb, and then around the same time finn. then gaten came. later noah came. and recently me." sadie told me. "we're all super close. it's not like other homes. joe's not like the others. he's not in it for the money. he really cares. and the others are great too. gaten's nice. noah can seem like a lot at first, but you'll love him. caleb's great too." she blushed slightly as she mentioned his name. i made a mental note to ask her about that later. "and finn. he can be a little standoff-ish at first, but once you get to know him, he's a great friend. "

"oh" was all i could muster up at first. " and caleb huh?" i smirk. i could be a little bit forward sometimes. however i did really want to know.

"no" sadie said quickly. "no, we're just friends. well, i mean sort of. nothing official though. i like him, i really like him." she tells me. "don't tell anyone, especially joe. i think the others sort of know already but definitely not joe. he has no clue. i don't know what he'd do. he'd tease us endlessly i think." sadie's cheeks are flushed red.

"yeah, yeah of course. i won't tell." i respond softly. as soon as i finish, i hear joe yell 'dinner'.

"come on" sadie told me, getting up from her bed and opening the bedroom door. i stand up, wobbling a little bit. i hear footsteps thudding down the stairs. "joe's food is always good."

we make our way down the hall, and to the stairs. i take a few deep breaths, feeling slightly overwhelmed. i close my eyes for a second, and open them again, to see sadie's blue ones staring at me.

"you'll be okay, millie. everyone's super chill. plus noah talks a lot so you probably won't have too." she reassures me.

i nod and give her a close lipped smile. we go down the stairs to the table, where the others were seated. joe was bringing all the food to the table. joe sat down at one end, closest to him was caleb, next to caleb was sadie and then me. on the other side closest to joe was gaten, across from sadie was noah. across from me was finn.

everyone else was laughing and smiling, not at all like my previous homes. noah was talking about this mean little girl that had been insulting him on roblox. after everyone had enough of noah's roblox rant, joe addressed me. "millie, as you can see. these brats are completely ridiculous, but i really hope you feel at home here. we're really happy that you'll be living with us." joe smiles and glances around at the others, who all grin and nod their heads.

" too" i tell them, not completely sure if i was being honest. i look down at my plate, which consisted of two soft tacos with beans and rice. i take a bite of my taco, and see finn staring at me. i stare back at him. in my peripheral i see sadie looking between us, and then sharing a glance with caleb.

i break eye contact with him before it gets too weird. i suddenly remember my lack of clothes. "Joe, do you think it's possible for me to get some clothes. i, uh, don't really have that many?" i ask politely, not wanting to sound rude.

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