Scene 7 - Arriving at the plant

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Not too far away from the complex, hiding away in a small crater with access to the rest of the planet's surface with a steep slope, the TARDIS begins to materialize, landing next to the slope, tucked away from whoever is coming down it. The treacherous and unreliable Milo hides above where the TARDIS has landed, above the crater. He frowns, he runs off heading towards the Dalek complex, in a one-man fighting crime. Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor, Leela, K-9, Connor, Mitch, Mia and Lily are ready for the action. The Time Lord has had a plan, he is currently at the controls, as he activates a newly configurated wave pattern to detect any Daleks, which blows out in the nearby location. There are none.


Good. There are no Daleks around.


Can you be so sure?


This newly configurated device scans for any life forms. I should really use it more often, but desperate times call for desperate measures. So, everyone, we know the situation. And now, the plan is to improvise.


Well, Doctor, what exactly are we looking for in there?


A weakness for them. Something in the human embryo that we can obviously turn against them.


You mean their emotions, I understand?


Quite right.


And turn their emotions against them? Therefore sending them berserk?


But will the machine destroy all the Daleks? Wouldn't it just stop the ones being created?


Their DNA is all one. Change it at the control centre, and it will all change.




This is their entire physiology we are talking about here. No time to waste. Let's move.

They all leave the TARDIS including K-9, heading out of the crater. All stop when they have left it, standing and facing the invincible Dalek complex within less than a mile.


Getting in won't be easy.


Well, there is a passage leading underground though. Come along, we have the universe to save.

Soon, they have arrived at the complex. The party take shelter with a tall thick stack of metal and equipment.

Everyone keep very quiet. Even you, K-9.


(Whispering) Affirmative, master.

They watch the human Daleks, moving and carrying the heavy equipment from side to side of the complex.


How exactly will the Daleks be able to control these new humans?


In the same way as the Daleks, I imagine. They genetically have removed all emotion from them.


And getting the DNA back to normal, how will we be able to do that, Doctor?


Oh, we'll leave that up to K-9, won't we boy?

He wags his little tail.

Right, down that passage. You lead, K-9.

K-9 is the first to depart, followed by the girls, Leela with her knife, Connor, Mitch, then the Doctor. He stops for a moment, turning to look at the other side of the complex, as he sees Leela on the other side, the past Leela. He then slips into the passage without being seen by the human Daleks. They quietly sneak down the passage leading behind the complex, and just above the bubbling, churning human embryos.


Doctor, who were you waving at?






Yes, you. From the past remember. You gave us the idea.


Did I?


Yes. You saw a future version of me. When we first landed back here. It meant that we had to go this route. Fascinating concept time. It doesn't flow in one straight line, does it? K-9?


Yes master?


You keep leading the way. You know the way best, and you may have to defend us in case we come into contact with any human Daleks. Or rather any real Daleks for that matter.

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