Chapter One

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"Wake up honeybun." This voice sounds so gentle and kind. "Wake up you decaying piece of toe jam." The same voice says and a pillow is hurtled at my head. "Ow sleaze bag." I say rubbing my head. "Yeah, well I wouldn't have to do that if you woke up at a humanly time." Haylie says laying down on my bed. Let me introduce Haylie. She has been my best friend since we were babies because our moms are best friends. She is my ride or die and I would be insane to trade her for anyone else.

I look over at my phone and it says 1:36pm. "What are you doing over here anyway?" I ask burying my head in my pillows. "We are going shopping today." She says smiling. "We are?" I say. "Yep. So get up sugarplum and get ready." She says standing up and walking over to my closet to look through it. I slowly slide out of bed and head to the shower. When I get out she has already set out an outfit for me. 

I put on the floral romper and some sandals and we head downstairs. "Hey sweets. Whatcha up to?" I ask Caleb, my brother(one year older). "Watching TV until JD (Jason Dean, also a year older) gets here." He says surfing through the channels. "Cool. We are going to the mall. Be back in a bit." I say walking away. "Have fun." he says. "When we get back wanna order a pizza?" I ask with my hand on the doorknob. "Sounds good. Extra large with extra cheese right?" He says smiling. I smile back and open the door.

 "Bye Mom!" Haylie yells to my mom as we leave. "Bye babies!" She yells back. We hop into Haylie's car and drive off. 

*The mall*

"Tomorrow is our first day of junior year. We definitely need a look that makes us look like we glowed up." Haylie says walking into an H&M. She picks out a black cropped cami and camouflage print capri shorts. She pays for her clothes and helps me pick out something. After looking around for about a half an hour, we finally decide on a white tube top and orange shorts with white stripes. We pay and head to the food court.

"What are you feeling like today? When we go home we are also getting pizza so..." I ask. "How about some milk tea?" Haylie suggests. "Ooo that actually sounds really good." I get the classic rose milk tea with regular pearls and Haylie got the almond milk tea with coffee jelly. We grab a table and talk for about an hour. I'm about to get up when Haylie pulls me back into my seat. "What's wrong?" I ask and see her starring at someone over my shoulder. 

I look over my shoulder and it is Kevin. Kevin is my ex that has made my social life an interesting ride. I ended our relationship after I caught him cheating and he can't understand why I wouldn't want to be with him. In his own words I quote, "How can you not want this? I'm hot and just a great person in general." A real winner here. I think he just wants to annoy me since it annoys him that I'm the only girl that won't fall at his feet.

We lock eyes just a second, but that is enough for him to realize that it is me. Haylie and I try to make an escape, but we are too slow. "Hey Baywater. What are you doing here?" He asks smirking. I just ignore him and throw away my empty drink. We keep walking and he follows for a bit, but soon gives up. "I really wish we could block people in real life." I say getting into the car. "You said it best." Haylie says backing out of the parking lot. 

Soon we pull into my driveway and go inside. "We are back!" I yell as we walk in. I put my bag down and sit down on the couch next to JD. "Hey cutie." He says taking his eyes off the game he is playing with Caleb and smirking. God that smirk will kill me one day. JD has been friends with Caleb since middle and become apart of the family since then. "Hey." I say leaning back into the couch.

 "We ordered the pizza a couple minutes ago and they said about 40 minutes." Caleb says not breaking his focus. "Awesome. I'm starving." I say. "I'm having a party on Friday and all of you are invited. You guys are welcome to invite some people too." Haylie says putting her legs on mine. "Aww! What did I do to deserve you?" I squeal squeezing her. "Thanks Hay. At your place right?" Caleb asks. "Nah. I'm going to throw it the park behind our house. It has a pool and a fire pit, so I thought it would be more fun." She says.

"Awesome. I'm down." JD says while still playing. "Great." Haylie says giddily. Around 40 minutes pass and the doorbell rings. "I will get it." I say jumping up. "There is money by the door." Caleb says  getting up to grab some plates and napkins. I open the door and the guy holding the pizza is beautiful. He looks to be around my age, he is tall and has a smile that would put people in Crest white strips commercials to shame.

"Hey." He says smiling. "Hi." I say pushing some hair behind my ear. "That will be 23 dollars." He says. I hand him the money and he hands me the pizza. "Have a nice night." He says smiling. "Thanks. You too." I say smiling. As I'm walking into the kitchen with the pizza, JD swoops in from above and snatches the pizza. He pulls out a piece and starts to eat it. He puts down the box and I grab a piece. We all sit on the couch and turn on the TV. "Can we watch a John Hughes movie?" Haylie asks. 

"Oo yes please." I agree. "Which one?" Caleb asks. "How about 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'?" JD suggests. "I'm down." Haylie says. "Cool." Caleb says and puts in the DVD. We watch the whole movie and then JD and Haylie head out. "Goodnight sis." Caleb says and heads to his room. "Goodnight." I say and go into my room. I change into some shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I climb into bed and soon slip into a needed slumber.


Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of 'The kiss that shouldn't happen'. I don't know how often I will upload, but I am on summer break so hopefully it will be sooner than usual. Please leave a vote and a comment of any suggestions for the plot that you would like to see. I am willing to take this story in directions, so don't be afraid to leave an opinion! Again thanks for reading and have a nice day/night! :)

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