Chapter Five

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I jump in the car and turn on the engine. I'm at the daycare place within 5 minutes and I walk in a couple minutes early. When I walk in I am greeted with adorable hand drawn pictures hung on the wall and a reception desk. "Good morning. Can you tell me where to go? I just got hired." I explain. "Angel should be here soon. He will be showing you the ropes. Speaking of the devil." She says as a guy walks in. 

"Hi. I'm Angel." He says extending his hand. "Hi. I'm Kayla." I shake his hand and we walk into a room on the right side of the reception desk. Angel is about six feet tall and is very well built. He has floppy dark brown hair and deep blue eyes.  "These are our lockers and we basically just keep our things in here while working..." Angel drones on, but I am just fascinated by his face. He has such a familiar face, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. "Uh Kayla?" He asks. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" I blink a couple of times to refocus. "I was talking about the feeding times." He continues.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you from somewhere. You seem really familiar." I say cutting him off. "We go to the same high school ." He explains. "Oh! Right! You made the winning shot of the basketball game that determined whether we went to the championship or not." I say connecting the dots. He takes a little bow and we both laugh. He gives me a tour of the whole place and we go over the rules. At 10 the parents started dropping off their kids. The rest of the day was actually really fun. Angel and I got to know each other a lot more and become friends with the kids. 

Thankfully, most of the kids warmed up to me pretty easily and the day went by smoothly. At the end of the day, I was thoroughly exhausted. I grab my things from the locker and head home. "I'm home losers!" I yell as I walk through the door. "You're finally back. How did your secret outing go?" Caleb asks coming down the stairs with JD. "It was actually really fun." I head to the kitchen and grab the makings for a sandwich. Sadly, the daycare doesn't provide food.

I sit on the couch in-between Caleb and JD and flip through the channels. The doorbell rings and I yell, "Not it!" JD just stands up and walks towards the door. "Hello?" JD says confused. "Hi. Is Kayla here?" The anonymous voice says. I get up and walk towards the door. "Angel, what are you doing here?" I ask confused. "You forgot your phone. I found it while I was cleaning up the locker room." He pulls my phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. "Oh my god. Thank you! I probably would've freaked out later." I take my phone and look at JD. JD is glaring at Angel. "Angel, this is JD. JD this is Angel." I say introducing them.

Angel extends his hand and JD just looks at it. "Sorry, I'm a germaphobe." JD says with a fake smile and closes the door. I hit his arm and open the door again. "Thanks Angel. See you tomorrow." I say before he walks off. He smiles and then gets into his car. "Why were you so rude?" I ask angrily. "Was he who you spent the day with?" JD asks flipping through the channels. "Yeah." I stand in front of the TV. "Wait...were you on a date with that guy?" Caleb asks. "Isn't it clear that she was?" JD snaps. "And you didn't tell us?" Caleb says irritatedly. "I wasn't on a date dumbasses. I was at work." I explain.

"Since when do you have a job?" Caleb asks. "Since I filled out an application for her, so she would get out of the house." My mom says coming down the stairs. "Wait so you weren't on a date?" JD squirms and honestly it is entertaining. "Nope." I throw the car keys to Caleb and head upstairs. I put on some music and chill out for the rest of the day.


It's around 8:40am when Kayla leaves. I wonder where she is going. "She didn't say where she was going did she?" I ask even though I already know that she didn't. "Nope. As long as she has a car I'm not worried because I don't have to go get her." Caleb says grabbing an apple. 

Throughout the day I ask several times if we should check up on her and every time Caleb tells me to chill. Honestly I'm just worried about her. I'm only so protective because she is like my family. We have been close for a long time and I feel better when I know she is okay. I look at the clock and it is 2:10pm. She should be home by now. "Hey, do you think we shou..""I'm not calling her JD. Drop it already." Caleb cuts me off before I can even finish my sentence. 

After a couple minutes the front door opens. Thank god she is finally home. After a bit, we all sit on the couch and turn on the TV. Soon after, the doorbell rings. "Not it!" Sometimes she is so childish, but it is still cute. Wait, did I just say that? God, why does this need to be so hard. I get up and answer the door, since I know Caleb won't. When I open the door, I see this guy that looks around my age. 

"Hello?" What does this guy want? "Hi. Is Kayla here?" How does this guy know Kayla? I've never seen him with her. "Angel, what are you doing here?" Kayla asks. Angel, what kind of name is that? "You forgot your phone. I found it while I was cleaning up the locker room." Why were they in a locker room together first of all. Second of all, why were they together today. Were they on a date? An unfamiliar pain stings my heart. He gives her her phone and she introduces me. he extends his hand. I'm not shaking this guys hand.

"Sorry, I'm a germaphobe." I say and close the door. I walk back to the couch and sit down. She asks me why I was so rude, but I'm too irritated to answer. "Was he who you spent the day with?" When she said yeah, I feel my anger rise. The thought of her spending her time with another guy stings like alcohol on a cut. When Caleb asks if she was a date with him, I feel something snap within me. When she later explains that she was at work, I feel like a total ass, but I have to make sure. "Wait so you weren't on a date?" When she replied nope, a part of me felt so relieved. What am I saying? I shouldn't feel this way about her. She is my best friends little sister. Get that through your head JD. But still a part of me yearned to go upstairs with her when she left.


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