Chapter Fourteen

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I wake up to the feeling of my blanket being ripped off me and cold air hitting my skin. "What the hell man!" I sit up and see my mom smiling. "Finally. Get ready we are leaving in 20 minutes." I stumble out of bed and take a quick shower. 

I change into a some jeans and an off the shoulder sweater. I rush downstairs and put my semi wet hair into a bun. I pull on some vans and we leave. We argue over what place we should go to and she just drove to Denny's even though I said Ihop. 

We walk in get seated. We order some food and talk about regular things like school and friends. "So what's bothering you lately?" She asks. Where do I start? "Well...You know Haylie's beginning of the year party?" I gulp. "Yeah.."

"I kind of, may have, accidentally gotten drunk and JD took me home because I wasn't doing to well." Her eyes get wide and then she took a breath and closed them. "I threw up a bunch from the alcohol and that helped a lot. I brushed my teeth and when I finished JD brought some painkiller and water from downstairs for the next morning. We hung out a bit and we just talked about memories. And that kind of led to us...kissing." I look up at her and she has a smile on her face.

"Really? Are you guys dating?" My mom is so excited. "It's not that simple." Her smile falls into a frown and then into a worried look. "After the kiss we decided that we should act like it never happened for Caleb's sake. For awhile it was hard and then after a while it became easier." She holds my hand and squeezes it.

"But then we kissed again the other night at Haylie's Halloween party and Caleb saw. Now Caleb and JD haven't talked since the party and it's all my fault." I feel my eyes watering. Wow, I've bottled all this drama up and I realize that I have never let it out.

"First of all, it is not your fault. Second of all, Caleb shouldn't have say in who you date. Sure he can have an opinion, but he can't have you not date someone." I smile and squeeze her hand, but that smile soon turns into a frown.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't even matter now. JD has already moved on. After conditioning, he was waiting outside, so I waved and he completely ignored me and a girl ran into his arms." I sigh. "I'm sorry honey." She gives me an empathetic smile and squeezes my hand again.

We finish breakfast and start heading home. "Have you tried talking to JD?" I actually haven't and that realization makes me feel really bad. "Honestly I don't think he would want to talk to me." 

"I can tell you that all he wants to do is talk to you."

"How do you know?" 

"I have know that kid for years. You think that I don't know what that kid is thinking? I have know he has liked you for years. When he made you gifts he would ask me so many questions about you since he never got to hang out with only you because of Caleb."

My jaw hits the floor. "I've just been waiting until you guys realized you liked each other." I giggle and playfully smack her arm. "What am I supposed to do now though? I kind of ruined my chance."

"Honey you need to realize that a crush that has been building for years doesn't go away so quickly. So don't think that he doesn't want to talk to you. I'm sure that all he wants to do is figure things out with you and see you." 

"I hear what you are saying, but he has already moved on. I don't want to mess things up for them." My mom pulls over abruptly and turns to me. "Sweetie go talk to him already. Because don't you want to know where your relationship stands still?" 

Her words hit me deep. I do want to know what we are. I mean we have been friends for years. It can't just end like this. When we get home, my mom hops out of the car and I get into the driver's seat. I take a deep breath and my mom gives me an encouraging smile.

I turn the keys and the engine hums. I pull out of the driveway and head to JD's house.

Throughout the drive so many thoughts go through my head. What if he has that girl over right now? How do I know if he even wants to talk? Oh God what if we do talk? It is going to be so awkward.

I should just turn this car around and go home. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. No. I need to do this. Ughhhhh! Why does this have to be so complicated! How would I even start the conversation. Oh hey. Yeah remember how we kissed? I was wondering if we are still friends?

Yeah, definitely not going to say that. Before I know it, I am outside JD's house. Oh God. It is time. I'm not ready. I park the car and just stare at his house for a minute. Staring at his porch steps, I remember the times when Caleb and I would come over and we would all just sit there laughing.

I smile at the thought. I take a deep breath and get out of the car. I realize that I have known him for years. Even if he doesn't think we should be friends, I know I can rely on him. He means too much to me for me to try to forget him and move on.

I walk up the porch steps and right up to the door. My hand hovers for a few seconds, hesitant at the possibility of not getting answer I want. I knock and after a little bit the door opens. 

"Hi." I say sucking in a breath.


Thank you so much for reading this chapter! Sorry it took a hot minute to come out!

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