Chapter Two

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I wake up to the horrific sound of my alarm going off at 6:00am. "Ugh." I groan and slap my phone. I slowly sit up and trudge to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush out my hair. Someone knocks at the door. "Ocupado." I say. "You've been in there for 40 minutes. I need to shower too ya know." Caleb says fed up with me already. I open the door and smile at him. "I'm almost done sweetie." I say and smirk.

I let my hair air dry into loose curls and I brush my teeth. I open the door and go to my room. I put on the white tube top and the orange shorts with white stripes that Haylie and I picked out the day before. Then I slap on some makeup and grab some sandals. I head downstairs and see that my Mom is sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee. "Hey baby." My Mom says kissing my head. "Hey Momma." I say and grab an apple. "I heard Haylie is having a party." She says. " Yeah, it's on Friday. She invited Caleb and JD too." I reply. 

"That's sweet of her. You know the rule though be back by midnight ok?" She says looking at me over her glasses. "I know momma." I say smiling. "Good. Also I'm going to be gone until Saturday. They need me to do a three day shift at a hospital three towns over. I'm leaving today." She says giving me a sorry look. "Don't worry momma. I will look after things." I say hugging her. Caleb walks downstairs and grabs our bags. "You ready?" He asks. "Yep." I say grabbing my bag from him. "Bye mom." We both say as we leave. " Bye loves."

When we get to school we immediately meet up with JD and Haylie. Haylie and I say bye to JD and Caleb, and head to our first class. We both have US History together and so we just sit outside the classroom until class starts. Sadly this is the only class we have together. After this class, I head to my math class. The day passes very slowly until lunch, where I meet up with JD and Haylie. "Where is Caleb?" I ask. "Last time I saw him he was going into a supply closet with Sadie." JD says. I grimace, "Lovely."

We sit down at a table and JD goes to get lunch. "How your day going Baywater?" Damn. this day was going so well. "What do you want Kevin?" I ask. "What? I can't just check up on a close friend?" He says with his arm around the poor girl he cheated on me with. "Get lost Kevin." I say waving him off. He sits down and so does the girl. "So Haylie I heard you're having a party." He says. "You heard right, but you aren't invited." She says scrolling through her phone.

"Aw that's not nice." He says with a fake pouty look. "I don't invite pathetic people." She says with a fake smile. JD comes over and sits in between me and Kevin. "Leave." Is all he has to say and Kevin is up and gone. "Thanks." I say sighing. "No problem." JD says with that beautiful smile. After a little bit the bell rings and we all go to our classes. While I'm waiting for my next class to open I see a familiar face. 

It's the guy who delivered the pizza yesterday. We make eye contact and he comes over to me. "The pizza was great." I say smiling. He just smiles and reaches his hand out. "I'm Sam." He says. "I'm Kayla." I say shaking his hand. "I didn't expect to see you here." I say. "I'm new. I used to go to the school on the other side of town." He explains. The teacher opens the door and we go in. Sam sits next to me and we get to know each other. "Would you like to go to a party this Friday?" I ask.

"I don't know.." He says. "It will be fun. And you can meet more people there. I promise most don't bite." I say. "Ok sounds fun." He says smiling. I him the address of the park and we talk the rest of the period. The bell rings and I find Caleb. "I'm ready to go whenever you are." I say. "Ok. We gotta wait for JD. He is coming home with us." He says. "Cool." I say. Caleb and I walk to the car and wait. JD gets to the car in a couple of minutes with some lipstick marks on his neck. "You got a little something on your neck dude." Caleb says laughing. JD rubs it off and jumps in the car.

Seeing the marks does make me a little jealous, but that's who he is. He is handsome, so girls do tend to flock his way. It takes us a couple minutes to get home and when we do the guys go straight to the playstation. I go to my room and put on some music. 

*Friday after school*

"I'm going home with Haylie. I will see you at the party." I tell Caleb and get into Haylie's car. We speed off to her house and start decorating the park with fairy lights. The party doesn't start until 8, so we put off getting drinks and food together. We go up to her room and start to get ready. Haylie decides on a pastel green bikini and a short, blue sundress to go over it. She gives me free rein in her closet and I can't really find anything I like. "Do you have anything besides bikinis?" I ask. "Nope. So suck it up and pick one." She says smiling. 

She grabs all her bikinis and lays them out on her bed. "I say this one." She says smiling. "How are a couple strings supposed to cover me?" I say. After looking at the bikinis for a while, I finally decide on a white bikini that has a black outline. I put it on and then I put on some jean shorts and a cropped black tank top to go over it. We went to her kitchen and then got together the drinks and food. "Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I invite this new guy at our school to the party." I say pouring ice into a cooler.

"It's fine babe. And you don't have to ask. I told you that you can invite whoever you want." Haylie says. "I know. I just wanted you to know." I say. "Is he cute?" Haylie asks smirking. "Very." I say laughing. We spend the next hour an a half getting everything over to the park. Now we just wait for everyone to show up.


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