Chapter Thirteen

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"Caleb can we talk?" JD's voice cracks as he forces the words out. Caleb just shakes his head. JD's face falls and he sighs. "Can you just listen to me then?" Caleb turns around and glares daggers into JD. 

JD sucks in a breath. "Look man I am really sorry. I don't know how else to make it up to you. I just want our friendship back." He pleads. Caleb just sits there and keeps glaring. JD sees that it isn't going any where and just nods. He walks away and Caleb turns back around.

When I look over at him, his brows are furrowed and he has a deep frown on his face. After a while, Caleb gets up and leaves the table. "This is all my fault Haylie." I whisper. She puts her hand on mine under the table and squeezes it. 

After school I meet up with Caleb and we jump in the car. We drive home in silence and he goes straight to his room. "Hey wait." He turns to face me with a blank look. "'The Fosters'?" He shrugs and goes up to his room. Prick.

Soon after that, my mom comes home. We sit on the couch and I convince her to watch 'The Fosters' with me. We watch a few episodes and order a pizza. "So catch me up on your life. I feel like I've missed a lot of it." She walks over to the kitchen and pulls out some juice.

"Lets talk about that later. Because it is kind of...complex." I smile and thank god the door bell rings. I get up and open the door. "22 bucks cute stuff." I smile when I see Angel and hand him the money. 

I so happy that Angel is an understanding person. I feel like if he wasn't everything would be so awkward. He does still call me cute names, but that is the extent of his flirting. He hands me the pizza and walks back to his car after saying goodbye.

"You can't say that he is only a friend." My mom smiles and grabs some plates. I sit down and grab a slice. "He is just a friend." I bite into the pizza and she shakes her head. "Didn't seem like that to me." She smirks. "Angel and I are close, but nothing more. We went on a couple dates and they were fun. On our last date he kissed me. That's when I realized that I didn't like him like that. And bless him he understood and now we are just very close friends." I explain grabbing another piece.

Do you like someone else?" Her question makes me gulp. I simply just nod. "We can talk in your room about it later." My mom could always read my mind. She understood that this wouldn't be a safe topic down here in the open. 

Caleb walks in stretching. "I smell food." He walks over and grabs some pizza. "I going to be in my room. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." I get up and go upstairs. 

*A couple of weeks later*

JD hasn't talked to me or Caleb at all. In all this time, he has just kept to himself and when we have anything close to being in contact with each other, he acts like I am not there. It does hurt a bit, but I understand why he is doing this.

Just today, I was coming home late from conditioning and JD was still at school. I smiled and gave a slight wave, and he did absolutely nothing. He looked right past me and another girl walks past me and wraps her arms around him. 

Wow. Just wow. I didn't think what I was seeing was true. I mean I knew it was real, but I guess I didn't want it to be real. He squeezes her and she pecks his cheek. I didn't realize it, but I was totally out of the loop of what was going on in his.

Since he was always around Caleb, I just always knew what was going on in his life. It feels weird that I don't have a clue on what is going for the first times in years. A buzz from my phone brings me back to reality.

Dude come on. Stop just standing there and get in my car.

I see Angel parked a couple cars down from where I was standing. I walk over to his car and jump in. "Why were you just standing there?" I don't answer his question. I just keep staring at JD and the girl. I guess Angel notices and he follows my gaze.

He frowns and pats my knee. "Want to go get a slurpee?" I slightly smile and he starts driving to the closest 7-11. He hops out the car and comes back quickly with two slurpees. He hands me one and he drops me off at my house.

"Thanks cutie." I wink at him and he laughs. He winks back and drives off. I go in and mope my way into my room. After a while there is a soft knock on my door. "Come in." The door opens and my mom walks in. 

"How was conditioning sweetie?" I sigh and sit up. "I'm definitely going to be sore." We talk for a bit and then she brings up the dreaded question. "So what is going on with you? I know something is. I could tell from the moment you walked through the door." 

Why is she so good at reading people? I mean I appreciate it, but there is no way that she is letting me off the hook right now. "It is a really really long story. Can we talk later? I'm really tired." She sighs and kisses my forehead.

"Sure, but tomorrow morning we are going to breakfast and you are going to spill then." I love how comfortable she can make me feel. It may seem like I don't feel comfortable talking about JD with my mom, but that is not it. I, in simple terms, just don't want to relive this drama trying to recall it all to explain everything to her. But I guess tomorrow there is no escape.


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