Chapter Fifteen

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"Hi." JD stuffs his hand into his pocket and runs the other hand through his hair. "So, what are you doing here?" "Can we talk?" I ask hopefully. He nods and opens the door wider for me to come in. We walk in and sit on his couch. 

"I don't know how to start this, but here goes nothing...I care about you so much and those kisses were really nice. But they also really affected our relationship. I just want to know where we stand. Because you mean so much to me and I don't want to lose you, but if you think it is best to keep some distance I respect that. Just know that I am here for you whenever you need me to be." I feel my eyes start to burn like I am about to cry, so I look down at my hands.

I fight back the tears, but as I blink one tear manages to slide out. I lift my hand to wipe it away, but a thumb is already brushing it away for me. I look up and see JD staring at me deeply. 

"Please don't cry. I care about you so much and it hurts to see you upset." He caresses my face and I place my hand on top of his. "I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you. You have had too much impact on my life for us to keep some distance." He says pulling me into a hug.

"JD..who was the girl?" I feel him tense and I immediately regret the question. He loosens his hold around me and leans back. "I was using her to keep my mind off of you." He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. "Why?"

"Kayla.." He turns to look me dead in the eye and holds my hands. "I have had feelings for you for years. Every girl has just been a distraction, so that I wouldn't ruin our relationship. But none of them are like you. You are smart, kind, caring and beautiful. They could never come close to you, but I knew I couldn't have you."

His eyes start to water and I just lean my forehead against him. "JD..hold me." I whisper to him and he wraps his arms around me. "I want to be with you." I trace circles on his chest. "What about Caleb?" He asks.

"We can talk to him, but if he doesn't like it too bad." JD chuckles and pulls me tighter to him. He hooks his finger under my chin and lifts my chin up. He leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my lips. I smile and kiss him back. Suddenly the front door opens and we try to separate quickly. 

"Oh my God! I'm sorry! I'm going to go on a drive around the block." JD's mom says giddily shutting the front door. JD rubs his temples and I giggle. Through the door we can hear his mom on the phone with most likely my mom.

I stand up and he pulls me back down. He starts to kiss me all over and I laugh. "I really should get going." He pouts and starts to kiss my neck. He starts to suck on my neck and I gasp. After a while he lets go and smiles at me. 

"It better not be bad." I get up and go to the mirror in the bathroom. Oh my god. It is a huge hickey right in the middle of my neck. "JD! I have to go home like this." He smiles and walks me to the door. 

"Sorry. Not really though because I liked knowing that I did that." He pulls me in and plants a kiss on the top of my head. He opens the door for me and I walk to my car. I scream once I shut my door. I really did it.

I drive home and take out my bun, so no one sees the hickey. "How did it go?" My mom is sitting on the couch watching TV. "Really well. Now I just need to talk to Caleb." I smile and start watching TV. "Tell me what?" I suck in a breath and he sits down next to me.

"I will be in the backyard watering the plants." My mom gets up and walks outside. "Caleb do you promise to be open minded?" He furrows his brows, but relaxes and nods. "I went to go see JD today and we talked." He sighs. "I really care about him and he cares for me a lot too. I just wanted to let you know that we are not going to stay away from each other."

"But..I told him that you are off limits." He grits his teeth. "Caleb, I love you so much for being protective, but this is my decision to make. I want to see him and he wants to see me." He sighs and stands up.

"Please don't just walk away. Talk to me, please." Caleb turns to face me and leans against the couch. "I don't know what to say. I love you to death and I would literally kill him if he hurt you. But if you both want this, then I can't really be the person to say no." I jump off the couch and squeeze Caleb.

"Thank you." I say in almost a whisper. 


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