Chapter Seven

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"You guys were dancing and then he asked you on a date? How romantic." Haylie says sitting on my couch with a bag of pretzels. "What's romantic?" Caleb asks walking in with JD. "Nothing." I grab the bag from Haylie and take a handful. "I wouldn't say a date is nothing." Haylie says smirking at me. I smack her thigh because I know she knows why I didn't want to bring it up, she just laughs. "A date? With who?" I roll my eyes and wave him off. JD sits on the opposite side of the couch consequently the farthest place from me. "Angel. He asks me last night." Haylie snatches the pretzels back and shoves a few in her mouth.

"Where is it going to be?" Haylie asks stuffing her face some more. "It's going to be at the fair that is in town right now." I grab the remote controller and start flipping through the channels. The whole time JD doesn't say a word. He just stares at me with no emotion. Almost through me, like I'm translucent. "Aw. That's really cute." Haylie coos. "When are you guys going?" Haylie asks. "Tomorrow, after school." I am actually really excited about it. I thought I was going to feel weird about going, but I really do like Angel. I just need to know if its romantically. We hang out for a while downstairs watching TV and then JD suddenly just leaves. He doesn't even say bye.

*Next Day*

I wake up extra early, so I can take my time to get ready. I take a shower and put some curl cream in my hair, so my hair is more bouncy. I go back to my room and try to pick an outfit. After starring at my closet for 20 minutes, I finally decide on a black off the shoulder top embroidered with Lillies and high waisted jean shorts. I slide on some white high top vans and some necklaces. I go over to my makeup stand and put on some basic makeup, such as filling in my eyebrows and mascara.

I head downstairs and eat some cereal. Caleb comes down a little while later and grabs a granola  bar before we leave. When we get to school I meet up with Haylie and Sam as usual. We walk around for a bit and then go to class. The day passes by pretty slowly, but it is probably because I kept looking at the clock hoping the bell would ring. At lunch, we hung out with Angel and his friends again. And of course, JD was sucking faces with a girl. Except this time it was a different girl. 

Once the last bell rings, Angel finds me and we walk out to his car. He opens the passenger door for me and I slide in. It's about a half an hour drive to the fair and the whole time he gives me full control over the music. Of course I play some Shawn Mendes songs like 'Mutual' and 'Nervous', and some Kid Bloom songs. When we get to the fair, we stay in the car until 'I kissed a girl and she kissed me' by Kid Bloom finishes playing.

When I finish practically screaming the song, I look over at Angel and he is smiling. "What?" I feel my cheeks heat up. "It is just really...cute, how excited you just got." He pushes some of my hair out of the of my face. We stare each other for a minute and then he gets out. He comes over to the passenger side and opens the door, offering me his hand. We walk hand in hand into the fair and head over to the rides. 

We go on a couple of rides and the sun starts to set. "Can we go on that?" Angel points to a ride that swings almost upside down and spins 360. "I'm gonna have to pass." I say. "Pleaseeee! I will hold your hand." I roll my eyes and grab his hand. He smiles and we get into line. We get on the ride and we get strapped in. He squeezes my hand as we start to spin. For the first 30 seconds, I keep my eyes closed. "You should open your eyes. It's beautiful." Angel says. I open my eyes and the rides are all starting to light up.

Throughout the rest of the ride I'm relaxed starring at the vivid colors and comforted with Angel's hand in mine. When we get off the ride, we head over to the games. We try a bunch of games and I don't win anything. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. I will be right back." I say and head for the bathroom. When I come back, I find Angel with a huge teddy bear and a cheesy smile plastered on his face. 

"Did you win this?" He hands me the bear and wraps his arm around me. "Yep." He says nonchalantly. "I have a great idea." He grabs my hand and drags me toward the Ferris wheel. We get on the Ferris wheel and the view is beautiful. Every ride is lit up and the breeze is nice. Once the wheel stopped, Angel pulled out his phone and starts to take pictures of us. We take a lot of cute photos and then Angel takes one kissing my cheek. I feel myself blush and I look away. 

"Did I do something wrong?" He asks with disappointment in his voice. "No." I turn to him and smile. We admire the view some more and then the wheel begins moving. After the Ferris wheel ride ended, we head to his car. He drives me home and walks me to the front door. "Goodnight." He smiles and holds my hand. "Goodnight." He kisses my cheek and walks back to his car. I open the door and run up to my room. I immediately call Haylie and tell her everything.

The kiss that shouldn't happen(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now